Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Albert Pike's Plan for World War III

In view of the real threat of the Third World War, I present on the blog (so far on the Three World Wars Plan:


Very few truther know about the secret plans of Albert Pike and the people architects of the New World Order. In the 19th century, Albert Pike set the framework for the creation of the so-called One World Order. Based on the visions that were revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a blueprint for events that would play out in the 20th century, even those that are yet to come. It is a plan that we believe invisible leaders are following today, consciously or not, to bring about the planned third and final world war.

Albert Pike received a vision which he described in a letter he wrote to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. This letter outlined the plans for the three world wars which were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can only be impressed by how accurately he foresaw the events which had already taken place.



It is widely believed to be an error that for a short time, Pike's letter to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in London, where it was copied by William Guy Carr , a former intelligence officer in the Royal Canadian Navy. The British Library confirmed in a letter to me , that such a document was never in their possession. Furthermore, in Carr's book , "Satan , Prince of this World", the following footnote is included :

"The custodian of the manuscripts has recently reported that this author's letter is not catalogued in the Library of the British Museum. It seems strange that a man with the knowledge of Cardinal Rodriguez should say that it WAS written in 1925.

Carr seems to have learned of this letter from Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, the one who wrote "The Secret of Freemasonry Unveiled."

To date, there is no conclusive evidence to show that this letter was ever written. Nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and is the subject of much discussion.

The following is supposedly the depth of the letter , showing how the Three World Wars were planned over many generations:
"The First World War must be instigated to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russia and to create a national stronghold of atheistic communism. The discrepancies caused by the" agents"(agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic empires will be used to incite the war. At the end of the war, communism will be built and used to destroy other governments and to weaken religion. "2

Scholars of history recognize that political alliances with England on one side and Germany on the other , made between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator Albert Pike, played an important role in bringing about World War I .

"World War II must be fomented by exploiting the differences between fascists and political Zionists . This war must be fought so that Nazism is destroyed and political Zionism is strong enough to establish the sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During World War II , international communism must become strong enough to counterbalance Christianity , which will be limited and then come under control until we need it for the ultimate social cataclysm . "3

After World War II, communism emerged strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, much of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped sweep the wave of communism there into China.

(Readers who claim that the terms Nazism and Zionism were unknown in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both movements. Furthermore, Communism as an ideology originated in Revolutionary-era France. W 1785 Nicolas Restif invented the term four years before the outbreak of the Revolution. Restif and Babeufa, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt).

"The Third World War must begin with the prevalence of differences caused by Illuminati agents between political Zionists and leaders of the Islamic World. This war must be fought in such a way that Islam (the Islamic Arab World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) destroy each other.

At the same time other countries, again divided on this issue will be held back to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

We will unleash Nihilists and atheists and provoke an extraordinary social cataclysm that will demonstrate clearly and emphatically to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and the most bloody orgies in all this horror.

Then, in every place, everywhere, citizens, compelled to defend themselves against ethnic minorities and revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the masses, deprived of the illusion of Christianity, whose divine spirits, forming Christianity without compass and direction, desiring ideals but without knowing where to place their devotion and adoration, will receive real light through the universal manifestation of Lucifer's pure doctrine, finally exposed to public view.

This revelation will result in a general reactionary movement followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both defeated and destroyed at the same time." 4

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, world events, particularly in the Middle East, have shown growing unrest and instability between Zionism today and the Arab world. This is entirely consistent with the call for World War III, for war to break out between the two of them and their allies on both sides. World War III is yet to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.


Translation by EwaN




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  1. It is time to wake up to enter the Kingdom of God, not to sleep and end up in the lake of sulfur and fire. Let us therefore pray and convert one another and ourselves.

  2. " France carried out the largest operation in recent times against the so-called Islamic State in Syria on Sunday, the French defense ministry reported. The air strikes were conducted in the area of the jihadists' "capital", Raqqa. Ten fighter jets based daily in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan dropped 20 bombs "

    1. Well, that confirms yesterday's speculation about a French attack on ISIS in Syria

      1. or maybe they will use the opportunity to overthrow the Assad "regime", a pretext for another intervention

  3. ChristianStateOfPoland

    As it happens, today the real war is between the followers of Islam, between Iran and Saudi Arabia, specifically Sunnis and Shiites. As a result of the disappointing U.S. policy towards Iran, there has been a rapprochement between Israel and the Sauds... The Islamic State is alone - they are cornered by Shiite militias and militias, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah, Assad supported by Russia and Russia alone, the Kurds, the Turks and a broad coalition of allies... Moreover, they are on a war footing with the Syrian opposition, i.e. the moderate Sunnis of the FSA, etc, and for dessert - even the Afghan Taliban and al-Qaeda are fighting them... In the open field and bastions they don't have a chance anymore, so they changed their policy and are striking in Europe. I don't see world war on the horizon. I see growing moral corruption etc., but not mass conflict. Moreover, I remind you that Jesus was not interested in politics - that is why many of his contemporaries did not recognize him as the Messiah, because they hoped that he would bring them freedom from Roman occupation... Thanks to Christ slavery ended, the real one - the slavery of sin.

    1. Yes, but no one here puts their spiritual hopes in politics, the prophecies apply to everything, the whole system, so let's watch...

    2. welcome brothers and sisters
      The real war is over the souls of all those people who live in the world. I've been thinking about this situation, when 130 people die, I know it's a terrible thing... the whole world is in mourning, And dear, in the U.S. alone, over 50 million unborn babies are killed every year... My wife and I lost our baby in the 12th week of pregnancy, the Lord took it away, I cried terribly, but also the Lord showed me in His Grace that He rejoices when children are born into the world. He has counted all our tears, when we cry.. He is the True Father... dear, whatever happens in the next days, let us look to JESUS the author and finisher of our faith...

  4. What is the opinion on Czeslaw Klimuszko's prophecy:

    "I saw soldiers crossing the sea in these little round ships, but you could tell by their faces that they were not Europeans. I saw houses collapsing and Italian children crying. It looked like an infidel attack on Europe. It seems to me that some great tragedy will befall Italy. Part of Italy's boot will be under water. A volcano or an earthquake? I saw scenes as if after a great cataclysm. It was terrible (...) War will break out in the South when all treaties are concluded and peace is trumpeted (...) Then rockets will rush over the ocean, cross each other, fall into the waters of the sea, awaken the beasts. She will lift herself from the bottom. With her breast she will propel huge waves. I saw transatlantic ships rising like shells... This water mountain will stand towards Europe. A new flood! It will choke in Giblartar! It will spill into the middle of Spain! It will pour into the Sahara, sink the boot of Italy to the river Po. Rome with all its museums and wonderful architecture will disappear under water (...) Our nation should come out of this not too badly. Maybe five or ten percent are doomed. I know that's a lot, that's millions, but France and Germany will lose more. Italy will suffer the most. This will really unite Europe. Poverty brings it closer." Father Klimuszko did not speak publicly about his visions; he mentioned them, only among his closest friends. A deviation from this was a meeting with journalist Wanda Konarzewska, at which the visionary said: "Poland will be the source of new law in the world, it will be honored so highly as no country in Europe (...) Poland will be bowed to by the nations of Europe. I see the map of Europe, I see the Polish eagle in the crown. Poland is shining like the sun and this radiance is shining all around. Others will come to us, to live here and take pride in it.

    1. ChristianStateOfPoland

      Wait a minute, wait a minute - so we won't be going "to do the washing up" in the UK anymore?
      No offense, but I couldn't deny myself that subtle pinch - Interesting scenario, but I'm skeptical.

    2. According to this prophecy all nations will bow down to Poland, so you can already see who the author of this prophecy is - demons.

      Czeslaw Klimuszko was a priest of the great harlot which says a lot.

      All prophecies are made alike, written in such a way as to be open to interpretation. God's Truth is found only in Scripture, not in human or demonic stories, and even when something works, the meaning is almost always that this material world will eventually prosper and a golden age will reign.

      1. I do not see the exaltation of a nation in the Bible, but the exaltation of Christ

      2. About the Catholic servant Klimuszko write misleading sites such as Nautilus Foundation, where it is understood that Christianity=Catholicism, and such fairy tales about the coming of the golden age are given a listen (how is Poland supposed to have so well if it so fornicates with the Great Whore?), and Bible prophecies are either not mentioned at all, or at best are mentioned somewhere as one of the potential scenarios - similarly, they lie that the Lord Jesus Christ is one of many "spiritual masters," "avatars," "super beings," etc.

        1. It is also a great deception to think that Lucifer is the Christ, which is what Satan is all about, this is his bright side that he presented in Eden to Eve and became the god of the illuminati and fallen humanity.

          The true morning star is Christ, Satan has taken over that symbolism and wants him to be called that.

  5. Thank God evil will not win, but will be defeated and forever wiped out.

    1. Unfortunately, almost every time I say something similar, my interlocutor only smiles indulgently and says in a condescending tone of voice that it is so good only in fairy tales. And that I should come down to earth. And this is the effect of propagating atheism and the theory of evolution.

    1. You can tell right away that this is not the same person. Who cares, and why, to make them think it's the same one?

  6. There was a movie called Tomorrowland in which a countdown was shown from September 23rd, I think 63 days until the end of the world begins.
    The end date is November 25 therefore.
    If you believe that they are up to something again on that day, it is interesting to note that there are several prophecies for sure from Satan, however, betting on this month.

    On top of that, the stone bridge was completed and opened on October 30. They made it twice and moments later Boom.

    I don't know what they are planning, however if God has a different plan then they will fail.
    However, it is interesting that it comes together like this.
    They are preparing something for us just like they did with November 13.

    1. "There was a movie called Tomorrowland in which a countdown was shown from September 23rd probably 63 days until the end of the world begins.
      The cut-off date is 25 November therefore."

      Dominik I guess you haven't come in for a long time 🙂 , because we've already discussed this in coments a few times in a few days.

      I think that Jackowski's success is a result of contact with demons and catching certain political and economic trends. Currently, it is so that only clairvoyants see the fact of the indebtedness of all countries along with the consequences of the collapse of these countries. All the rest some 99% do not know that one day there will be a turning point like in Greece. Everyone thinks: somehow it will happen.

      1. In this movie a couple of times a nuclear explosion is shown, once as graphite, once on a television, and when they enter this device what shows the future also then explodes a nuclear bomb.

    2. Admin, if you're reading this, it might be worth linking the facts....

      Fact, the post is from 2015, I'm writing this in 2017.
      You wrote in a 2017 blog about September 23, 2017 and the signs in the sky (that's when the ancient serpent was cast down to earth) As if to go back to what the DEAD DAUGHTER wrote and about 63 days from that, it would match....

      Could it be that November 2017 is the beginning of the end of the world?

      1. It is highly probable, but let's live as if the world is going to exist for another 100 years


    Which means we're practically halfway through this tale already.

    I think they'll do a few more attacks and shut down Europe under the pretext of chip-ing for security. The plan is in full swing. Now we wait until 23-24 November for the next steps. It will be a memorable New Year's Eve this year.

  8. Stop scaring people !!! Nothing will happen on November 25, just like nothing happened on September 23.

    1. Realist, no one here is threatening
      Secondly, you are generalizing as if everyone is doing the same thing
      After 3e, a lot happened on September 23, but not as people expected. The 23rd of September was the beginning of what happened on the 13th of November, and it will probably continue on a larger scale.
      I would agree insofar as it would be naive to know the date.

      On the morning of 23.09 I wrote this text:

      Let him be the answer to all those dates and the expectation of war

    2. On September 23, all the elites met in one place with the Pope to discuss the plan for sustainable development, which is slowly being applied.

    3. Dear Realist although I am writing this for the umpteenth time I will mention it again. A blog is our window to the world, like a television, only here we do not try to hide the truth and divert attention, but rather to reveal it. We touch the truth in small steps to reveal bigger truths (here I commend you all, for example, concerning the spirit of Jezebel). Most of the readers are mature enough to fear only whether they will find favor in the sight of the Lord to live on the new earth. For fear is Satan's tool, not ours. And the reality is as we describe it... With God

      1. Exactly yes,I agree with you.May our Lord have much grace for us.

    Here the article, of course, all this must be approached with detachment and as to "prophecy", will happen only what is according to the will of God, and his judgments are inscrutable.

  10. It will happen 🙂 realist you will have your eyes on the surface 🙂 23 will happen just like your colleague wrote above . 🙂 .

  11. In fact, everywhere except for the mass media and mainstream information onet, wp, news and facts people are writing that the whole Paris attack is a hoax and false flag. I'm even surprised that so many people today write and discuss on various forums and even on Facebook about NWO/ Surprisingly, people are not completely naive.

    1. Right, the title is important and the rest you said.

      So it will be as we wrote: attacks in Paris->French attack on ISIS->and now ISIS response with new attacks

  12. To all this we must add that In the end times we need to put on the whole armor of God and prayer is our heavy artillery , remember the hotline in heaven is open 24/7 .

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