Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A series of attacks in Paris on November 13, a Friday - the Templars' favorite date.

Several readers wrote about potential action on September 13, and it made sense, but after a somewhat barren September 23, I didn't want to pursue it.

Friday the 13th is a favorite date of the Knights Templar, whose heirs are the Jesuits and Illuminati. If you don't believe it, see:


A few years ago while already blogging I had an accident on Friday the 13th that I luckily came out of unscathed:

The man who drove into me said he was a commercial driver and didn't know how he didn't see me.


Here's the news.



"At least 120 people were killed in a series of terrorist attacks that occurred Friday evening and overnight in Paris, according to prosecutors. Paris authorities, on the other hand, say there were 140 victims. There are also discrepancies in the Western media. The American portal CNN writes about 153 victims of six attacks. The attacks were carried out in various places in the city, including near the Stade de France and in the Bataclan concert hall, where the hostages were held. More than 200 people were also injured in the attacks, 80 of them are in serious condition. It was the most tragic event to hit France since World War II, according to the Associated Press news agency. Police say eight bombers are dead, including seven killed in suicide bombings. French President Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency."




If these kinds of attacks and events are happening in the world, it is clear that they are preparing us for something big. It may be the prelude that preceded the "assassination" in Charlie Hebdo, but it is all coming to fruition:

-> Plan for World War III <-

According to it, they want to divide the world into Islam and political Zionism.

This theatrical action on 100% inspired by Satan's people may be aimed at introducing laws restricting freedom throughout Europe while preparing us for the NWO.

Someone mentioned, probably Angelika, that the latest Bond shows this NWO.

There is another side to this event. If you have a choice, it seems prudent to avoid cities and large art events, and not just because of potential attacks, which after all are not the order of the day, but because of:

-potential war

-access to food

-the influx of "immigrants"


Who knows how long blogs like mine will be around....


Marana Tha.


Updated: 14 November 2015 — 10:14


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  1. I also immediately thought the date was significant and associated it with the Templars. I have been paying a lot of attention to dates and symbols for a while now. I turned on tv today and it makes me so sad that people are being lied to on a massive scale. But that is because they have forgotten about God. I for one have felt for a long time that something very bad is coming to this world. Thesis, antithesis and synthesis ... Everything goes according to the content of Mason Pike's letter to Massini. The only escape is the Lord Jesus.

    1. I have also been paying a lot of attention to the dates since the 23rd, by the way, that was the moment for me to wake up and open my eyes to the world. And maybe it's silly talk, but I also have a feeling that there is a countdown to that moment, that something will happen from which there will be no turning back and people will realize how blind they were Admittedly, this feeling makes me afraid and takes away my will to exist, but on the other hand when I think to myself that I should live in ignorance with my eyes closed, I still choose the first option.

    2. This letter is available online ?

  2. I wrote earlier that this Friday the 13th was special for them because it fell evenly on the day of the new moon, a new month in the Hebrew calendar - Kislev.

    On 11/11/2015 at 11:11 am the Moon passed through the meridian in Jerusalem meaning it was aligned with the Sun, which was very important to them.

    1. There was also a warning on 13 about the facility

      WT1190F which is an anagram of :
      WTF 9110 or : what the hell - answer - 911

  3. Babylon the Great is making the earth evil...The Time of Evil is coming...A period of trial and suffering....

  4. Did you see Obama's flash conference yesterday...we know THEY put it together

    1. THEY know! How is it that passports were found next to the bodies of the bombers who blew themselves up, and in a state where the identity could be read. "

      A Syrian passport was found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers who carried out a bomb attack near the Stade de France stadium. French television BFM also reported that an Egyptian passport was found next to the body of another terrorist. French police managed to establish that the owner of the Syrian passport crossed the Greek border via the island of Leros."(quoted from an article on Onet)

      A rhetorical question, of course. There really is something wrong with people that they don't catch such obvious things.

      1. Or is it possible after all ?

  5. CIA Director Brennan met with French security chief (DGSE) Bernard Bajolet before the attacks. The French equivalent of MI6 and the CIA is the Direction Générale de la sécurité extérieure

  6. The perfidious lies of Satan's servants...These assassinations are offerings to Lucifer....

  7. Recently, something else like this -

    WT1190f object dropped into the sea = millstone image,
    possibly the remnant of a Saturn V rocket = 5 era

    1. There is also an Illuminati card with an eiffel tower, but maybe that's a stretch

    2. These attacks may explain the shots with numbers on the cover of the Economist magazine. On one is the number 11.3 and on the other 11.5. If we combine these numbers we have: 11 31 15 which is all(except for the 2 and the zeros, but they don't change every day anyway) the digits of the date 13.11.2015 (or writing in American 11.13.2015).

      There is also a drum pierced by a guitar, and the biggest massacre was at a "metal" band concert. Obama's hand also kind of points to French President Holland's face.

      1. Good point, I think it's no coincidence.

      2. Classic False Flag to blame Muslims and Isis so we can completely take over Syria and usher in another "order out of this chaos". France is now under complete military control/martial law. "Unthinkable changes coming to Paris and the rest of the world". All major cities are under higher alerts/lock down including New York is being reported. Death metal satanic show. Miraculously 1 of the terrorists was taken alive and said he was with Isis and the attacks are retaliation for Syria. France is a gun free state so only "terrorist", police, military have guns. The Us government is helping all they can with FBI and CIA support reports say.
        Paris: At Least 100 Killed in Separate Attacks at Restaurant and Concert Hall in City, Reports Say
        Police said Friday there was a shootout at a restaurant, bombings at a stadium and a hostage situation at a concert hall, reports say. President François Hollande declared a state of emergency.
        Reporting of 5-7 different incidents in France. Scores killed and injured after 'Kalashnikov, machine gun and grenade attacks' across French capital with dozens of hostages taken
        6 Different locations is what they are reporting. False flag alert is high. Get ready for the big show everyone. 11/13/2015 11+2=13, 13 natural, 15-2=13. 13,13,13, 6 locations. Much more to research. Syria, Iran, Paris, Russia. WW3 is close. 40 dead 60 wounded. Martial Law/State of Emergency declared in Paris. No one in or out of france. Military force in effect, order will be restored. Order out of chaos to eliminate true threats to the Rothschild system.
        Eagles of Death Metal
        Jesse "The Devil" Hughes (born September 24, 1972) is an American musician from Greenville, South Carolina. He is known as the frontman of the California-based rock band, Eagles of Death Metal.
        ISIS EXPOSED The new world order is beginning

        Look 11/13/2016 1+1=2, 2+13=15, 1516 like in knowing movie. Or you can do it 11/13/2016 11 is code for alert 13+2=15, 0+16=16 still 1516.... Alert 1516...
        13, 13, 1,3 6,6,6, 7,5
        coded 666 7 15 16 13
        Knowing: Nicholas cage movie about numbers predicting events. End of the world movie.
        We just uploaded this video lastnight and today we have the combined disasters playing cards being played and more. France was hit with the false flag isis terrorist attacks and Japan with HAARP earthquake! Its coming. Nice work Andrea

  8. And as people slept so they sleep...Totally absorbed in everyday life and its problems....

  9. Then in your opinion who is really behind this? The American secret service? The Vatican?

    1. Jack, it all comes out the same anyway. After all, during WU everyone will be one and they are one

      1. Fact, and the question of who they serve is rhetorical.

  10. Some say it's just another staging.
    Staging or not people are getting angry, on the dig a lot of plus got a comment that we should be even more cruel than these terrorists. Already some Muslim camp is burning. All this to make people kill themselves among themselves, and these deaths already in 100% are real

    1. and that's what they want the polarization to be about so that there's a 3rd way

  11. there is something interesting about France in general.
    Analyzing the history of this country and, more specifically, the French Revolution, we learn today the effect of those times.
    Under the guise of equality and freedom in the likeness of the slogans of communism, France rejected God.
    The French Revolution was based on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and this was based on French philosophical thought.
    It established, among other things, freedom, equality of citizens before the law, religious freedom.

    The fruits of this religious freedom are now being consumed by all French people. We all know that these are poisonous fruits.

    The key is the last phrase that will be the code word during the NWO. Freedom of religion will be transformed into ecumenism, or one world religion. Thus the satanic plan will come to an end, but at the same time the wrath of God will be poured out.
    I firmly believe that this wrath will not come upon God's devoted, sinless, God-fearing followers of Jesus who are not Bible-thumpers but humble students of God's Word. That we may be in that group also.

    1. A lot of reading, but worth it in my opinion -.

      I especially recommend it for those who are just starting to get a grasp on what's going on and why.

      By the way, everything that is happening gives a lot of food for thought - Muslims invading Europe, barbed wire fencing off countries, assassinations and a state of emergency, with a dictatorial-totalitarian party in power in our country. This does not bode well.

  12. ChristianStateOfPoland

    It is an ordinary war, with a slightly new face... In the 12th century Anna Komnena, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexis I wrote about the crossbow (called cangre) as follows: "it is a barbarian bow (...) Arrows released violently with the power of the string, tightened with great effort, pierce through a shield or armor of thick iron and fly on. The Cangra works as if the devil himself were shooting. Whoever is hit by the bullet falls miserable"... The first lackey took this tool and without any training killed a trained knight... Later Canon 29 of the Lateran Council II declared the crossbow to be "an unworthy weapon of a knight", forbidding its use in wars against Christian rulers and knights, except for... crusades. ... And today such a crossbow is used in all kinds of attacks by assassins, who are called terrorists by the so-called civilized world. Europe and the USA have an incredible advantage in conventional warfare, and advanced systems and technologies are like knightly plate armor. Suddenly, just any guy with a crossbow comes and it's all over - that's how the chances in the fight against terrorism look like in a nutshell... What's more, we forget that these are the 'charms' of war - to crush the enemy, and if that's not possible, at least to intimidate, paralyze and not let them rest... War conventions are a sham and everyone knows it - IS, Jabhat an-Nusra, etc. IS, Jabhat an-Nusra etc. have never ratified anything, so (conventions) don't apply to them, and other thugs have the media in their hands and will show you what they think is right. And let's not connect the Paris attacks with the wave of immigrants. To carry out such an action is best suited to the third generation of Algerians or Tunisians who feel at home in France ... I mean, not really, because just as in Poland you need to have a back to get a job, etc., In addition, the "elite" is dominated by Jews... So people make a career in the Islamic State - they get training in training camps, and then they are ready for action... Why can a white, young Allied soldier enlist in the army and "defend" his homeland, and an Islamist cannot? I won't elaborate on the right to have a gun, because a leftist with slave mentality will understand it only when he's lying like a duck on the floor... at the mercy of Breivik or another psychopath... As for the date (Friday the 13th) - it's not about the date, but about the events (football match, weekend, concert). Notice also what power faith has: In all accounts, people describe incredibly peaceful terrorists... I envy them this zeal, it's just a pity that the deeds are bad... But these are the people God chooses, God who hates spiritual lukewarmness. Yet the majority, influenced by false prophets, die without conversion....

    1. "And then suddenly a guy comes along with a crossbow and it's all over.

      I do not think so, such actions as in France are carefully planned (no matter if it's a staged or real action), these are not some oppressed peasants who want to take revenge on their master.

      In fact, the line of war is not between countries or ethnic groups, the war is in people's consciences which need to be subjected to extreme experiences in order to break them. This attack was only to provoke to hatred and to action people who normally would not behave aggressively.

      1. ChristianStateOfPoland

        I consider terrorists to be an independent entity, although I do not exclude the possibility that some of their actions are permitted by the security services. This is done in order to keep the society by the sword... After all, the people themselves want to be watched, they themselves will demand to be implanted with chips...

  13. Hmmm, in the face of all this I guess something big might actually happen 60 days after September 23(which falls on November 22)

    And by the way, I think Muslims might be behind these attacks, after all it's all about stirring up hatred for them in white people, no?

    And so off topic, there was a movie flying yesterday that had some interesting information in it. It's called "The Devil's Tomb."

    I generally don't recommend this movie because it's disgusting and awful, but there was some interesting info that came through. For example, there was a place where there was a frozen creature that looked like an alien. And generally there was a priest among the characters, and they asked him if it was an alien, and he said no, it was an angel - a fallen angel. One of the giants (in the original the word nephilim was used) who had intercourse with human women, and by breaking this prohibition brought on himself the punishment of God, and now he is in this prison.

  14. May God fill our hearts with His power so that the horrors that are to come will not frighten us. Through your Son Jesus we ask this of you Father God.

    1. But do not spread fear by spreading the theory of the Jesuit Counter-Reformation, for nothing of the sort will ever happen.

    1. Admin,I appreciate your work and many things can be learned on your site,but reading the scriptures I find that living with conspiracies and "this world" and its events will not bring us closer to God.It is good to know about various topics e.g. about Jezebel,but there is no point in digging it up and finding out how deep it goes in this world.Knowledge does not save,but it can bring a person closer to salvation.I don't know what your opinion on salvation is,but I do know that knowing the salvation side a few years ago I was a hater and in no hurry to get there.God decided to choose me a few years later and it happened.I was completely uninterested in conspiracies,even though I knew the krk was a false church.I was saved and had a desire to be with God and rejoice in Him.
      Some say that the doctrine of faith is religious,though deviation and confusion manifests itself without using it.Doctrine should be developed fully from the Bible,without one's feelings or emotions.
      Once elected forever saved,purified and holy.We must change our thinking,renew it.Christ Jesus will judge us,we must be obedient to His grace,after all,we don't want to be a blight on the Kingdom of Heaven and evil servants.The fire will reveal everything.

      1. wert
        For a while now, people have been trying to set me up. I'm not saying you are. Some want Paul's rejection, others want more politics. It's impossible to please everyone.
        As for your comment, I disagree, if only for this one reason. Most of us came to God through seeking information about the NWO, etc.
        Jezabel helps women to change, they write to me thanking me for the awareness and the material from today GREATLY confirms the activity of this spirit.

        All in all, I am keenly interested in what is happening because we are approaching the end times and God Himself has told us to watch.

  15. Hello greetings to all of you who are aware of the so called (awakened) most of you and I have noticed that some things that have happened i.e. the Paris attack==》 more French involvement in Syria is some bigger puzzle. After the WTC I know that not everything looks like what it really is
    I don't know who benefited from the Paris attack, certainly not issis

    I once heard a prediction that a nuclear bomb will explode in the Middle East.
    For now, I'm going to see the new Bond, and it's possible that the chief architect has put in some details

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