Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Synagogue of Satan: Those who call themselves Jews but lie. Part II

Part II of the text translated by Julka. Thank you.





In John 8:32 we can observe Christ's conversation with the Jewish deceivers where He declared "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Christ spoke of deliverance from sin, but the Jewish deceivers replied "We are the offspring of Abraham and we've never been held captive by anyone. How can you say, Ye shall be delivered?"(John 8:33) We know from Jeremiah 24 that Judah was in captivity. They have openly admitted that they were never enslaved, proving that they are not descendants of Judah. These are deceivers who claim to be of the tribe of Judah as Christ warned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

In John 8:37, Christ answered "I knowthat you are the seed of Abraham, but you want to kill me because my word is not accessible to you." The word "know" is Strong's 1492 which comes from 3708 means "to look, to perceive." Christ declares I know that you look like Abraham's seed just as the tares look like the wheat(Matthew 13:24-30, 34-43). Christ's words do not come to them because they are not His sheep, they are not Abraham's descendants.

Christ boldly told the Jewish deceivers, "Your father is the devil, and you want to follow the lusts of your father. He was a malefactor from the beginning, and in truth he did not persevere, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from himself, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

Christ directly calls the Jews deceivers children of the Devil and Cain the first murderer. It doesn't get any clearer than this. But let's see one more report. Open your Bible with me at Christ's words spoken to the Jews of the deceivers.

Matthew 23:33

33 "Serpents, generation of vipers, how will you be able to escape the judgment of hellfire?"

"Generation" (1081) means "offspring." Christ boldly calls the Jews deceivers the offspring of Satan himself, who was the serpent in the Garden of Eden (Revelation 12:9).

34 "Behold, therefore I send to you prophets and wise men and scribes, and of them some you shall kill and crucify, and others again you shall scourge in your synagogues and drive from town to town."

35 "That you may be charged with all the righteous blood shed on earth - from the blood of righteous Abel down to the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar."

Christ declared here that the Jewish deceivers who speak to Him are descendants of Cain (who killed Abel), who was a descendant of Satan. It is their descendants who have been killing the righteous for generations up to the present day.

The Jews deceivers who are talking to Christ here are not from the tribe of Judah at all. Rather, they are "Kenites" which is Strong's word meaning 7017.

"from H7017, Kenita or a member of the Kajina tribe - Kenita"

"Kajin" is a Strong word meaning 7014

"Kajin the name of the first child, also of a place in Palestine and of a tribe in the Oriente- Cain, Kenita (-ci)"

As written the word Kenite means child of Cain. Cain was the name of the first child and the writing describes how he traveled to the land of Nod where he found a wife. The land of Nod was located east of Eden in what is now the Orient, specifically Mongolia. Cain's children, the Kenites became known as Khazars, and the Orient is where they first appear in recorded history. They deal in currency exchange, some of them were even Pharisees and scribes, they are the ones who crucified Christ and deny Him to this day. They claim to be our brother Judah, but they lie (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) they are really the children of Cain who was the son of Satan.

Further, we can establish that the temple servants we read about earlier are none other than the children of Cain, the Kenites did the work of writing for Israel.

1 Chronicles 2:55

55 "And the families of the writers who live in Jabesh are the Tireatis, the Shimeatis, and the Shukhatis. They are Kenites, who are descended from Chamat, the father of the house of Rekab."

Why were we blind to these obvious facts? Because the offspring of Satan had long since infiltrated the church before we knew it. The Kenites have formed a wall of protection around themselves built on the lie that they are God's chosen people. After centuries of infiltration and lies, imagine how polluted the church is today! Many people who try to expose these facts are called anti-Semitic. This is a false phrase because the Kenites are not descended from Shem, but from Satan. It is simply a means to pressure people into believing their lies and it works great for them. Do you have eyes to see?

Let us not forget that it was the leaders of the church that caused Christ to die. He knew their deeds were evil, so He warned us to "beware of leaven" (Matthew 16:6-12). (Matthew 16:6-12). The acid of which Christ spoke was the Kenites, who introduced false doctrine to lead the flock away from the truth of God's Word. This is how the word "Easter" found its way into the Bible. This is how the word "Lucifer" disappeared from the NIV(New International Version) of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12. This makes Bible students confused as to which morning star is being referred to, Christ or Satan. And so Ezekiel 13:16-20 was changed from God being against false prophets who teach people fly to save their souls. The NIV changed this to catching birds, which completely changes the void significantly. (footnote: I don't understand this).

Due to the infiltration of Christendom the scriptures are no longer analyzed, instead human tradition obscures the Word of God. The spiritual nutrition of most Christians consists of a few verses on Sunday. This causes the flock to starve, thus failing to understand God's Word on any level. Many Christians do not know that Satan will appear before Christ claiming to be Christ, nor do they understand how the Tribulation will take place. The only people on earth who will be able to recognize, stand and overcome Satan will be those who make sure they have enough oil in their lamps.

Those who claim to be our brother Judah but lie do not love Christ and do not follow Him, in fact they deny Him. In John 10:1-30, Christ says in a parable before the Kenites, Jews who are deceivers, "But the sheep follow him because they know his voice. But after a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."

Our shepherd is Jesus Christ, and we had better be able to discern His voice from that of the false shepherd, the stranger, who will ultimately be Satan disguised as a sheep pretending to be Christ (Revelation 13:11).

John 10:24-25

24 "Then the Jews surrounded him and said to him, How long will you keep our souls in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us clearly.

25 Jesus answered them, I said to you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in my Father's name testify of me."

And they do indeed testify.

John 10:26-27

26 "But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

Then "the Jews again seized stones to stone Him. (John 10:31). The Jews deceivers cannot listen to the Voice of Jesus because He is not their Shepherd and they are not His sheep. They eventually caused Christ to be crucified, and today they are responsible for trying to remove Christianity from our world.

Christ gives us another parable advising us to bear witness to their fruits which speak of their works.

Matthew 7:18-19

18 "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree bear good fruit.

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."

"Tree" symbolizes man and "fruit" symbolizes his deeds. We can refer to the parable in Matthew 13:36-42 where Christ gives us the parable of the tares in the field. He explained that in the parable the wheat are the children of God, while the tares are the literal fleshly children of Satan who lie and claim to be our brother Judah. The wheat and the tares look the same when they develop in the field, or world. The tares only become recognizable when they bear fruit, which is a vile, poisonous seed. During the harvest, or end of this earthly age, the tares will be bound and thrown into the fire.

Matthew 7:20

20 "So you will recognize them by their fruit."

This is how we can identify the enemy and see if they are of the lineage of Cain, by their fruits, their deeds. So do those who claim to be our brother Judah bear good fruit or bad fruit? Are they called by the name of God? In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God declares "my people who are called by my name." Christ is God, and we are Christians.Christians).

If you are a Christian you study the Bible and are called by the name of Christ. Those who claim to be our brother Judah but lie study the Talmud and call their religion Judaism. The Talmud nowhere speaks positively of Christ and they do not accept Him as God. Yet Christians have accepted the term Judeo-Christian, trying to link the two religions together when they are dissimilar. Christians have again believed a lie and deception in these last days because they do not search the scriptures themselves and allow others to read them for them. They do not study the religion that claims to be related to Christ. Because of this, Satan and his children are able to use the Christian nations for their purposes. No wonder God said "foolish my people...foolish and unintelligent they are"(Jeremiah 4:22).

Let's pause for a moment and consider what we have learned from God's Word in this teaching and what it means to us today.

The events of our world are controlled by those who claim to be descendants of Judah, but they lie and are really children of Cain, Kenites, descendants of Satan. They are international bankers who control not only our money but also our governments. They have built the foundation of our religious and educational systems. They have placed the noose of Satan's bondage around our necks through usury, enslaving our nations and their people with debts that cannot be repaid. God is against usury. God freed His people from bondage, but they did not seek the truth in the scriptures and allowed themselves to be caught in that trap and brought back into bondage.

Christians have allowed political correctness to reign, punishing those who teach the truth about those who claim to be from Judah. It basically built a security house, around the Kenites, A house built by the synagogue of Satan.

Christians allow the government to send billions of tax dollars to the tiny state of Israel believing they are supporting God's chosen people. This despite the fact that Israel shows unjustified aggression against its neighbors including Syria and Iran. The most amazing fact is that it is the Christian nations that are the true chosen people of God through the "everlasting covenant with Abraham. Chosen to spread His Word to the nations of the earth according to whom each may be saved.

For these reasons deception thrives in these last days. Many ask why "the whole world is stuck in evil" (1 John 5:19)? Scripture gives us this answer because the prince of this world is Satan and the rulers are his children (John 12:31, Ephesians 6:10-18). In a sense, the world has already accepted the Mark of the Beast. Their lamps have run out of oil, the flame has gone out, and they have no light to shine on the dark lies of Satan and his children.

The Bible tells us much more on this subject, we have only touched the surface in this teaching. We should note that the Jewish deceivers are a very small group of people on a global scale. They make up only 0.2% of the world's population, yet they hold the most power and influence over the world's economic, political, religious and educational systems. As we have learned, they possess this power not because they are God's chosen people, but just the opposite. They have this power by paving the way for the prince of this world to be crowned king, their father, To the Devil.



Updated: 12 May 2015 — 19:53


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  1. " literal fleshly children of Satan "

    " I know that you are Abraham's seed, but you want to kill me because my word is not accessible to you. ... Your father is the devil .... Abraham your father rejoiced" - Gospel of John - passages of chapter 8 - these Jews have a spiritual father the devil, but bodily they were descendants of Abraham - clearly the Lord Jesus says that they are physical descendants of Abraham, and that Abraham is their father bodily, but not spiritual. The spiritual father was Satan.

    All people living on earth descend from Adam and Eve and later from Noah and his descendants. There is no fleshly offspring of Satan but there is a spiritual one. But this spiritual offspring is anyone who lives in sin, for sin. I myself have been a descendant of Satan most of my life but the Lord Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and set me free from being a child of Satan to being a child of God:

    " Whoever commits sin is of the devil, for the devil sins from the beginning. And the Son of God for this was revealed, that he might nullify the works of the devil. (9) He who is born of God does not commit sin, for the seed of God is in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (10) By this shall the children of God and the children of the devil be known. He that walketh not righteously is not of God, neither is he that loveth not his brother."-John 3:8-10

    I will repeat what I have already written: "The promises were given to Abraham and his descendants. The Scripture does not say, And to his seed, as to many; but to one, And to his seed: and this is Christ."-Galatians 3:16-every Christian, whether he be Chinese, or Japanese, or Kenyan, or Afghan, or Mongolian, is the Israel of God. Everyone who belongs to Christ - no matter the color of their skin, or where they live is the Israel of God.

    No nations are tribes of any kind. Neither the United States nor Poland nor any other country is a part of this godless world, and most of the inhabitants of these countries do not belong to Christ. And the so-called Christian states are a myth, the broad way in which the majority walks is not the Israel of God.

    " And if ye are Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, heirs according to the promise " - Galatians 3:29

    " But it is not possible that the word of God should fail. For not all who come from Israel are Israel.
    7 Nor are they all by being Abraham's offspring children, but it is said: In Isaac shall your seed be called.
    8 That is, not the children of the flesh are the children of God, but the children of the promise are recognized as offspring. " - Romans 9:6-8 The Amplified Gdansk Bible

    1. and what do you say elpis to the historical fact that the Jews in Jesus' day were a mixture of Edomites and Judeans?

      1. I don't know who they were or how many there were, but I do know that e.g., in chapter 8 the Lord Jesus saying to the Jews that their father is the devil said at the same time that they are descendants of Abraham and that Abraham is their father. National differences do not matter - the Savior's disciples are on the whole earth - the Lord does not look at the origin, color, sex, etc.

        1. I agree that God does not look at gender, skin color, but He looks from the Old Testament itself all the way to Rev. on tribe (read race).
          If he had not looked then Jesus' lineage all the way back to David would not have been mentioned in Matthew and Luke.

          Herod was not a Judean . Herod was an Edomite.

          1. As you may know there is a Moabite and a Canaanite in the Lord's lineage.

            1. just as the harlot helped bring down Jericho

          2. In my opinion blood has some meaning but it is hard to say who is who, only God knows. That's why I'm closer to the approach of judging by the fruits. Theoretically everyone can be converted, maybe some people have it harder by nature (and tradition).

            1. Exactly and I think so...

    2. What if I told you that Cain was not the son of Eve? Abel was the son of Adam and Eve but Eve was not Adam's first wife, Adam's first wife was Lilith who in turn was the daughter of Angra Mainyu (read Satan), from this union was born Cain who had murder and lies and perversity and treachery in his blood and in the core of his soul. Cain was a farmer and farming caused him to be cursed by Ahura Mazda (the Triune God or Yahweh). God cursed Cain that no land would produce crops for him so Cain ceased to be a farmer and became a blacksmith and hence his descendant in a direct line Tubalekin was a blacksmith. Jews to this day do not practice agriculture, and I have yet to meet any Jew who is a farmer.

  2. Rafał from Wrocław

    "As written the word Kenite means child of Cain. Cain was the name of the first child and the scripture describes how he traveled to the land of Nod where he found a wife. The land of Nod was located east of Eden in the area of today's Orient, specifically Mongolia. Cain's children, the Kenites became known as Khazars, and the Orient is where they first appear in recorded history. They deal in currency exchange, some of them were even Pharisees and scribes, they are the ones who crucified Christ and deny Him to this day. They claim to be our brother Judah, but they lie (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) they are really the children of Cain, who was the son of Satan."

    In my opinion, this does not hold water. Even if Cain did travel to what is now Mongolia, there was a flood between his time and that of the Khazars! So how can he be the father of anyone if the forefather of everyone is Noah and then Noah's three sons? The father of Canaan is Noah's son Cham and so the Canaanites, in my understanding of the Bible, cannot be descended from the blood (as the author of this book claims) of Cain.

    That the Judeans mixed with the Edomites I know. That there were (maybe still are) tribes of Nephilim is also agreed, but the thesis about the blood of Cain does not fit what the Bible teaches about the flood.

    1. "So how can he be the father of anyone when the forefather of everyone is Noah and then Noah's three sons? "

      Cham could have been a descendant of Cain, but we probably won't get to that. On the other hand, the text is an exception:

  3. Rafał from Wrocław

    Now I only have a moment but I know that text and there are also incorrect assumptions. In the evening I will describe in more detail what I mean because the text, although it is true that the Jews are not who they say they are, it stretches the idea that they are descendants of Cain.

    "Cham may have been a descendant of Cain, but we probably won't get to that"?
    Genesis (5:32) And Noah was five hundred years old when he begat Shem, Cham, and Japheth.
    Genesis (9:18) The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan. (19) These three were the sons of Noah, and from them descended all the people of the earth.

    I have heard of a theory (unsupported by anything) that perhaps Cham's wife was a descendant of Cain but either way she is not related to Canaan. And it is clearly written that Cham is the son of Noah.

    I can quickly show one more error in the "From Cain to Khazaria" text:
    The verses Genesis 4:25 through Genesis 5:4 say that Adam and Eve had a third son named Seth. Seth was the substitute for Abel, whom Cain had murdered. Because Cain murdered his brother, he was cast out of Eden and from Adam and Eve, in disfavor! The rest of Ch. 5 lists Adam's descendants. Notice that in this list there is NO Cain as a descendant of Adam and Eve. Cain's genealogy is shown separately and distinct from the Adamites. Luke in Ch. 4 gives a COMPLETE GENEALOGY of Adam, from Yahweh God, father of Adam, through all to Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Cain is not listed in any of these genealogies, even though his mother was Eve! If Adam had been Cain's father, the Bible would certainly record that fact. It does not.

    The author claims that since there is no Cain in the genealogy of Jesus then Cain was not a descendant of Adam which is a very bad interpretation. Cain is absent for the same reason Abel or Cham and Japheth are absent. It is a father -> son (I don't know what to call it) list. And Jesus is not a descendant of Cain or Abel or Japheth. But that does not mean that Cain is not the son of Adam.

  4. Rafał from Wrocław

    I started to re-read this text "From Cain to Khazaria" and what I found interesting is that the author indicates in Genesis 15:18-21 that the Kenites, Kenyans and Canaanites are mentioned separately meaning they are separate peoples hmmm.... I will have to research this further.

    However, despite what the author of the text has indicated, he writes in his text that the flood in Noah's day was not global:
    "...was the reason why Yahweh had to destroy these people, but some of them escaped because Noah's flood WAS NOT GLOBAL. This is a very old myth. I don't have time to discuss this topic, but I refer the reader to..."
    I will check the links the author provides out of curiosity but it is impossible for the flood to "not be global".

    I wrote both posts to show the errors that were made in both texts and are inconsistent with the Bible story. That the Jews are not who they claim to be I fully agree with the authors but that they are descendants of Cain is impossible in my opinion. Greetings : )

  5. Raphael's doubts, I believe, are absolutely valid and appropriate. Let us just note the indisputable FACTS:
    1. only the slain Abel was the child of ADAM and Eve, the other sons were absolutely not his sons and were fundamentally different from the human race !!!
    Cain was the fruit of Eve's so-called curiosity and, let's call it, the unbridled testosterone-driven determination of a serpentine being - probably from Venus, the planet heralding the morning, called Dawn, and her very famous son of that , Dawn called Lucifer. We forget that God marked Cain so that no one would sometimes kill him with his lack of facial hair, which in those days was absolutely sufficient, see the lack of facial hair of Cain's descendants the Indians, and is now probably associated with the poor facial hair of his male descendants. Snake people are actually of this build - statistically more smart, tall, long-legged, bald, have long necks and arms, bald fingers - Marfan's syndrome, egg-shaped, usually rapidly balding heads in men, are extremely talented in their acting and funny in their riffs - a prototype of Philopath juxtaposed with a human Pataphile and in this way they inspire in people an instinctive trust and a strange hypnotic fascination, although they themselves are extremely easy to offend, they are often capricious, irritable and usually territorial. They originally have RH negative blood from their ancestors - more copper than iron in their blood, so they do not share basic genes with primates including the model RHezus monkey, have a highly sensitive sense of smell, can't stand human sweat, and have other extremely dominant traits towards humans.
    2) God's substitute for Abel was also not a son of Adam, and this time we can only guess whose descendant he actually was. Strangely enough very little information about him is given in the Bible and in both religions, but taking into account his origin and other laconic information about him, which perhaps tendentiously state that he also was not fond of human kind from which he greatly distinguished himself and rather shunned than delighted in it. On the Egyptian images in the pantheon of other gods, similarly to them, he does not have a human head but something resembling an animal mask, although nomen omen, however, similarly to other fallen men, he invariably takes human women as his partners. This mysterious silencing of information about Seth and strangely other, supposedly Atlantean, so called gods as about Thoth the teacher of Cainites and other initiates is extremely and significantly important because it was the pharaoh Thotmes II who created in Karnak the first school of teachings of Thoth called Hermes Trismegistos, whose continuation was the temple of goddess Hator on the mountain Horeb run by the eternal metallurgists Cainites, so called. The continuation of this temple was the temple of god Hator on the mount Horeb run by ancient metallurgists called Cainites, so-called "white priests", to which Moses and his people were going through deserts together with gold stolen from Egypt, escaping from a total cataclysm of the Egyptian country caused by the consecutive passing of Marduk called Neber and described by his made a total chaos by contemporary secular admiration in the entry called "The Korblin Bible". Significantly for the next infomination presented in numerous places is that such another temple of continuation of this hidden from Christians religion of famous white priests is the temple in Mird on the Dead Sea and famous from scrolls found in Qumran sect of Essenes called also from the place of their activity Nazarenes. As we know, Jesus also belonged to these priests. He taught, cured, healed, underwent a 40-day fast and the following enticement initiating the so-called procedure of passing over, fertilization with divine seed, consumption of the well-known from contemporary infominated prayer, the famous biblical ma-na, a high-spin gold produced thanks to the teachings of Thoth, known recently and patented in the USA as ORME. At that time this substance was administered only to priests, hierophants and kings because it gave almost divine abilities marked with the eye of Horus - it cured all diseases, repaired DNA, gave immortality in certain situations and other almost divine qualities which are not worth mentioning here because without additional reading any uninitiated, learned plebeian knowledge, without thinking right, will laugh at every next word. This is why the truth is so intricately well hidden and invariably this mysterious, let's call it, DIABLE does everything to completely turn it upside down and drive some people against others while remaining invariably well informed, all seeing and still safe, completely in full glory....

  6. The Israelites are still the people of God, this has not been changed anywhere, "For to the blessed I will bless thee, and to those who curse I will curse" if I were you, I would be afraid to say that about the Jews, because they are the pupil of the Eye of God, however it sounds.... Israel is defending itself against the attacks of the Arabs, so their "aggression" or rather defense is justified. Jesus says that salvation comes from the Jews - He and His mother were 100%Jews in the flesh. I bless you in Jesus' Name

    1. "Jesus says that salvation comes from the Jews" - when and where does he "say" that ?

      1. In John's gospel when he talks to the Samaritan woman he tells her that salvation comes from the Jews

  7. In the Book of Henoch it says that beautiful daughters were born to men and the fallen angels took them as wives. Various children were born to them from this. We know that Henoch was the grandfather of Noah. And we know that when the disciples asked Jesus when the end would come, he said to them, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not observe until the flood came and swallowed them all up, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24.37)

  8. "Most people sell their souls and live off the payment with peace of mind. "
    Adam Smith

    I don't know if this is true, however, I do know that the matrix of meanness across the lifetimes of the number of people involved and the transposition in the many hidden to the time meanness puzzles....
    If it wasn't my life - I wouldn't believe it.
    Today I understand more and know that people are destroyed in an organized way. Movies are like fairy tales for children

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