Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Synagogue of Satan: Those who call themselves Jews but lie. Part I

In my opinion, this is one of the best texts I have read in recent months.

It partially confirms Henry's search for the 12 tribes of Israel, though it gives much more light on the tribe of vipers.

As usual, thank you very much for translating Julka. Too bad the workers are few and the readers many...


You will have to wait patiently for the second part. Julka is a 16-year-old girl who has her duties from school. She has already translated many texts. I kindly ask you to pray for Julka.





Brandon T. Ward

Mainstream Christianity erroneously believes that the twelve tribes of Israel merged into one single tribe of Judah, which they consider to be God's chosen people. Christians have allowed themselves to be deceived by these lies because they have not sought and read God's Word with understanding. Instead, they rely on human tradition that rejects the Word of God. In this teaching we will examine in God's Word who the 12 tribes of Israel are and who those are who claim to be from the tribe of Judah but lie.

Before we begin our Bible study, let us ask our Father for wisdom and understanding of His Word in Jesus' Name amen.

In order to make the topic clearer, we must first understand that all twelve tribes of Israel are God's chosen peoplenot just one chosen tribe. Have you ever wondered what "chosen" by God means? The twelve tribes of Israel were chosen to spread the word of God, His message to all men on earth, that they might know Him and repent (Acts 10:36). We must understand that "God has no regard for persons," He does not choose favorites "But in every nation Whoever fears him and does righteousness is pleasing to him. (Acts 10:34). "Fears" would be better translated as "honors." We love our Father, we do not fear Him, and no matter who we are, if we love God and obey His Word we are accepted into His arms.

Today part of The tribe of Judah resides in a country called Israel. However, all twelve tribes of Israel were scattered over the earth and form the present-day Christian states. Genesis 17:7 contains the "everlasting covenant" that God made with Abraham. Open your Bible and follow with me the Words of our Father that He said to Abraham,

Genesis 22:17-18

17 I will bless you abundantly and multiply so numerous are thy offspring as the stars in the sky and like the sand on the seashore, a thy descendants shall conquer the strongholds of their enemies,

18 I in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed for listening to my voice.

A single nation has fulfilled it, but that nation is not Israel, they could never fulfill this promise of God. The nation called Israel is very small in population and has not conquered the stronghold of its enemies, nor does it bless the nations of the earth. However, Christian nations are blessing the world by sharing the Word of God and their charitable deeds. Additionally, the United States of America has conquered the strongholds of its enemies. This is the nation that has fulfilled the promise. The truth is that the Christian nations are the true potomes of the twelve tribes, which most likely means you too. Some of the descendants are Latter-day Saints that God has established to pass on the truth from His Word from one generation to the next in order to share it with the world.

Further in Genesis 17:5-6 God told Abraham "I have appointed thee father of a multitude of nations... I will multiply thee above measure and I will bring the nations out of you, i kings will come from you." God's covenant with Abraham was "everlasting" his children would be as numerous as sand on a beach and include nations and kings. It should be obvious to us that the nation of Israel today does not fit the "everlasting covenant". Thus the twelve tribes of Israel did not unite into one tribe of Judah, but dispersed throughout the earth as "many nations".

Our Father continues by saying "I will establish my covenant with Isaac" (Genesis 17:19). We know from scripture that Isaac's son is Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to Israel and he is the father of the twelve tribes called the Israelites.

In Genesis 49:1-28 we read "Then Jacob called his sons and said: Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the future." Jacob had twelve sons, each son was the father of a separate tribe. If we continue to read Genesis 49, Jacob explains what will happen to each of the twelve tribes of sons, not one tribe, but with the twelve tribes over the past few days.

I now turn to Revelation 7 where the 144,000 of the Tribulation are described consisting of 12,000 members from each of the twelve tribes. The 144,000 are the elect sealed with the Word of God, so they know what events will occur at the end of the age including recognizing the appearance of the false messiah, Satan. (Note: Jacob's son Joseph had two sons Manasses and Ephraim. Manasses replaces the tribe of Dan because of Dan's sins, so we will not find him below).

Revelation 7:4-8

4 I I heard the number of those who were sealed: one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed with All the tribes of Israel:

5 From the tribe Judy twelve thousand sealed, of the tribe Rubena twelve thousand, of the tribe Gada twelve thousand,

6 From the tribe Asera twelve thousand, of the tribe Naftali twelve thousand, of the tribe Manassesa twelve thousand,

7 From the tribe Simeon twelve thousand, of the tribe Left twelve thousand, of the tribe Issachara twelve thousand,

8 From the tribe Zebulon twelve thousand, of the tribe Joseph twelve thousand, of the tribe Benjamin twelve thousand sealed.

The Word of God proves that the twelve tribes still exist in the world today, they are chosen and from each tribe 12,000 people will be sealed during the Tribulation. Teaching that only the tribe of Judah is chosen is a lie. Remember The whole point in God's chosen people is to spread God's word to the world. God's covenant with Abraham was to consist of many nations. Which nations of the world are spreading the Word of God? Are those who say they are from the tribe of Judah spreading the Word of God?

Now let's look at the nation called Israel in today's world, which consists mainly of, as many call them, Jews who are said to be descendants of Judah. Are they certainly descendants of the Israelites from the tribe of Judah? Open your Bible with me and listen the words of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy trouble and thy poverty, but thou art rich, and I know that those who blaspheme you who claim to be Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Christ go ahead warned us about those who claim to be our brother Judah, but lie and are descendants of Satan. Most Christians would be shocked by this. They would also be shocked to discover that some 90% to those who call themselves Jews, who claim to be descendants of Judah, are not from the tribe of Judah at all. Rather, these 90% identify themselves as Ashkenazi Jews. This does not make them descendants of Satan, but it does mean that they are not true descendants of Judah.

The Ashkenazi Jews who claim to be descendants of our brother Judah are descendants of the ancient civilization of Khazaria and are called Khazars. These people are of Turkish descent. They were pagans who embraced a religion called Judaism by which they adopted the name "Jews". Let's read what the Jewish Encyclopedia and Britannica Encyclopedia has to say about the Khazars.

"People of Turkish descent whose lives and history are intertwined with the beginning of Jewish history in Russia. The Khazar kingdom was established in most of southern Russia long before the establishment of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians(855)

Jews have lived on the Black Sea and Caspian Sea coasts since the first century AD. Historical evidence points to the Urals as the home of the Khazars. They are known among classical medieval writers as 'Khozars', 'Khazirs', 'Akatzirs' and 'Akatirs', and in Russian chronicles as 'Khwalisses' and 'Ugry Byelyye'"

Jewish Encyclopedia

"Khaghan(king) of the Khazars and important people along with a large number of his pagan people adopted the Jewish religion."

Jewish Encyclopedia

"The most striking feature of the Khazars was their adoption of Judaism by the khagan and most of the ruling class(ca. 740). The circumstances of the conversion remain unclear, the degree of adoption of Judaism difficult to study, but the fact itself is undisputed and unprecedented in the history of central Eurasia. Several scholars even believe that the Judaic Khazars are distant ancestors of many Eastern European and Russian Jews."

Britannica Encyclopedia

We can clearly see that the Khazars embraced Judaism and thus adopted the name Jews. We should point out that One cannot become a tribe of Judah by joining a religion, only by descent. Unfortunately, most people do not understand this fact, which creates the confusion we see today. So these converted Ashkenazi Jews were never slaves in Egypt or Babylon and never set foot in the Holy Land they claim as their. No wonder Christ gave us a warning regarding Judah's identity (Revelation 2:9; 3:9).

Long before the recorded history of the Khazars, the twelve tribes of Israel were infiltrated by the deceivers of the Jews. We read of this in Joshua 9, where the inhabitants of the land worked cunningly and disguised themselves as ambassadors from afar. "They took with them old sacks for their donkeys, and old, cracked, and patched wine-bags; they put on their feet tattered and patched sandals, and on themselves tattered garments; and all their bread for the journey was dry and crumbled. And they came to Joshua in the camp of Gilgal, and said to him and to the men of Israel, We have come from a far country; therefore make a covenant with us.

They continue their deception by telling Joshua that they had heard about the glory of the God of the Israelites and what He had done for them in Egypt. Because of this, they wanted to be servants of the Israelites. Joshua, without consulting God, made an agreement with them, and only three days later he learned that these men had lied to him and were living close by. When Joshua inquired why they had deceived him they replied, "Your servants have learned as a sure thing that the Lord your God commanded Moses his servant to give you all the land and to exterminate all the inhabitants of the land before your coming. So we feared greatly for our lives because of you, and so we acted." This commandment of God is recorded in Deuteronomy 20:17 and was required because He knew who these people were and they certainly "were not children of Israel"(1 Kings 9:20)

Joshua made another mistake by not consulting God first. He declared that the deceivers were cursed and from now on they would forever be servants of Israel serving as serfs, carrying water and chopping wood for the temple of God (Joshua 9:23). Joshua did not know that this curse would weigh on the Israelites from that day forward.

Eventually the state of Israel came into being made up of twelve tribes. However, they fell out of our Father's favor because they disregarded His Word, by which He caused the twelve tribes of Israel to be taken into captivity, Judah went last. In Jeremiah 24:1-7, God explained that He would again establish the state of Israel. This was described as two baskets of figs set before the temple of the Lord. One basket contained good figs and the other basket contained bad figs. This prophecy became true in the 1948 year of the Lord, which we will discuss shortly.

In Ezra's day, when he and the Israelites were given permission to return to Israel and rebuild Jerusalem, Ezra stopped on their journey to count the tribes. Count the many priests, but not one of them was a Leviticus priestThey were from the tribe of Levi. They were only "Nethinims," or "temple servants" (Strong's word 5411) "whom David and the princes had placed at the service of the Levites"(Ezra 8:20). Yes, the same ones whom Joshua brought to the temple as servants working for the Levites.

In Matthew 24:32-34 Jesus Christ gave us a parable stating "when a fig tree puts forth leaves you will know that a generation will not pass away before the scripture is fulfilled. This generation began with the planting of the fig tree of the nation, the modern state of Israel, which came into being on May 14, 1948. The fig leaf symbolizes Israel and its significance finds its beginning in the Garden in Genesis where it is first mentioned. Do you have ears to hear?

We are talking about the basket of good figs and bad figs from Jeremiah 24, who claim the nation of Israel. The good figs are our Father's. When the bad figs are Satan's and these are those who claim to be of the tribe of Judah but lie.



Updated: 10 May 2015 — 20:52


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  1. Thanks to Julka - the translator 🙂 - and to her.

  2. " Well, the promises were given to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say, And to his seed, as to many; but to one, And to his seed, and that is Christ."-Galatians 3:16-every Christian, whether he be Chinese, or Japanese, or Kenyan, or Afghan, or Mongolian, is the Israel of God. Everyone who belongs to Christ - no matter the color of their skin, or where they live is the Israel of God.

    No nations are tribes of any kind. Neither the United States nor Poland nor any other country is a part of this godless world, and most of the inhabitants of these countries do not belong to Christ. And the so-called Christian states are a myth, the broad way in which the majority walks is not the Israel of God.

    " And if ye are Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, heirs according to the promise " - Galatians 3:29

    , "But it is not as though the word of God should fail. For not all who come from Israel are Israel; (7) and not all are children because they are Abraham's seed, but it is so: From Isaac shall thy seed be called. (8) That is, not the children of the flesh are the children of God, but the children of the promise count as offspring. " - Romans 9:6-8

    I agree that the synagogue of Satan is not the literal offspring of Satan.

    " I know that you are Abraham's seed, but you want to kill me because my word is not accessible to you. ... Your father is the devil .... Abraham your father rejoiced" - Gospel of John - passages of chapter 8 - these Jews have a spiritual father the devil, but bodily they were descendants of Abraham - clearly the Lord Jesus says that they are physical descendants of Abraham, and that Abraham is their father bodily, but not spiritual. The spiritual father was Satan.

  3. It is true that today's Israel, is not fully Israel, as far as origin is concerned, because most of them are Ashkenazi, and if someone reads carefully the 10th chapter of the Book of the Bible knows that Askenaz is not the son of Shem, but Japheth. So today's Israel is only a partial Israel, because officially nobody wants to say where are the lost 10 tribes of Israel, When Israel was created there was a big cry of Sephardic Rabbis that Askenaz are not Semites, they are not sons of Israel, but the right money silenced this voice of truth.
    Therefore, to say that "The Christian nations are the true descendants of the twelve tribes, which most likely includes you" IS MANIPULATION IN THE LIVING EYES. Which comes from the Devil and his Servants. Only GOD knows for sure who is His Israel according to the flesh. And He alone as Yeshua says in Revelation Johanan will mark His chosen servants from every tribe of the children of Israel.
    And for the sake of completeness, Saul writes in the Epistle to the Romans that every Gentile is grafted into Israel through faith in Yeshua. And through this he becomes a part of Israel. A part, but not a descendant of Israel, for the descendants are the 12 tribes, not a great multitude from each nation. So by faith in Yeshua, anyone can become God's people or Israel.

    1. I respect your rare but accurate posts. I didn't think of this at all

      " And if one reads carefully the 10th chapter of Book 1 of the Bible he knows that Askenaz is not the son of Shem but of Japheth."

      Whereas, as to "every one of the Gentiles through faith in Yeshua is grafted into Israel."
      Not necessarily. Israel by blood scattered throughout the world became Israel by spirit. The Israel of Jacob split up just before the Babylonian captivity. By the time of Christianization in Europe it was well over 1000 years before the Israelites became Gentiles and their offspring became Israel again. This is how I see it. I don't think I am 100% right, but to me God is logical

  4. [1/2] Talmud: The scalpel that is bleeding the Middle East

    1. He participated in the Knesset deliberations in Poland.

      I'm not talking about you Magdalena, because you probably think differently, but someone who deludes himself that Duda wants good for Poles, is either naive to put it mildly, or is a circle in this mode of enslaving the Slavs. Slavs, because anyone can have Polish citizenship.

      As for Hanukkah, the candlestick has 9 candles unlike the Menorah.
      Hanukkah originated during the time of Judaism, and this candlestick has a hexagram in the middle.
      So Hanukkah is an early Jewish holiday, Judaic and not an Israeli holiday

      1. "I want the light of Hanukkah candles expressing hope to shine brightly over the entire Republic of Poland" - Andrzej Duda during the candle lighting.
        Republic of Poland - probably in name only 🙁
        I know it is not a menorah. The menorah has 7 candles and was given by God.

  5. Christian nations? What are their characteristics?

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