Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Kazimierz Smółka - Sightseeing

An awesome lecture. Thanks Magdalena.

Incidentally, the author also endorses the "cookie" on his fejs profile 🙂

This lecture is in response to my inquiries made in prayer.

Lecture Quote:


"It's not the building that brings God into the church, but God's faithful people, others bring demons."


"One does not like people who tell the truth." I recently had a problem with this....


"When you see someone, a pastor or an elder of the church thinking they are more important than you they are not from God"


Other than quoting Ellen White, the lecture is interesting.

Updated: 5 December 2015 — 22:06


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  1. Blindness is a terrible thing, so what if this "razor" tells a more or less coherent reality and predicts it, if he unreservedly trusts and supports the organization that establishes this idolatry. I have come to the conclusion that it is a shame to waste even a minute on his long lectures and statements.

    1. oh well, "shaver" supports idolatry and is certainly faithful to the bishops.

  2. Leaving aside the references to Ellen White's prophecies this is a very good lecture indeed....

  3. Let me tell you a dear friends a fable. Once upon a time there lived a girl who didn't go to church, lived her own life and knew little about God, although she had already consulted the Scriptures. The life she led was full of problems, tears and other bad things. One day while visiting a friend and looking through the books in her bookcase, she reached for a book about Jesus and to her surprise asked if she could borrow it. She did so greedily, often until dawn. Reading this book caused a change in her life and with all her heart she entrusted everything to Jesus, promising to follow him wherever he led her. After some time, she ended up in the Catholic Church. All the time, despite many difficulties, she tried to keep her promise to God. And when the time came, the Lord led her out of the church. Now she strengthens her faith mainly through the Word of God, she searches everywhere for the Truth and with the help of the Spirit and other people like her, she tries to correct her mistakes. The book in question was Elen White's book "The Life of Jesus". It was the content of this book that changed everything. The poor, lost girl had no idea who the author was and still doesn't know her other works. Nor does she belong to any denomination. Whether such "attacks" on Elen White are justified - I don't know. I do know that thanks to her book, the life of a poor girl - sad, difficult, and meaningless - changed into a life full of peace, harmony, happiness (despite the difficulties), and most importantly - a life in which God comes first. The moral of this is - let us examine everything, but be careful with our judgment 🙂 May God guide us and show us what is good, right and just.

    1. "The moral of this is - let us examine everything, but be careful with our judgment 🙂 May God guide us and point us to what is good, right and just."

      Well... the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth 🙂 .
      I know something about that... 🙂 .

      1. Besides, God leads each person to Himself in different ways. I've mentioned more than once that my road to knowledge started paradoxically from SJ (thanks to which I understood something), and after a short time I found, of course with a Bible in my hands and in my heart and with a prayer to God to show me the right way.... That's it in a nutshell 🙂 .
        Therefore I am absolutely not in favor of judging the E. White mentioned here or anyone else. I believe that if God so decides, He can lead a person who desires to know God the Father and the Son with all his heart and soul also through a book by someone like Ellen 🙂 .

        1. This is not about judging Ellen White, for example, because we do not know what was in her heart, but it is about judging her teaching. And we have every right to judge her and we should do so - of course with the Bible in our hands and with a request to the Savior for wisdom and understanding because without Him we can do nothing.

          If we turn a blind eye to some erroneous teachings because someone went into them, learned something, and then went on, then no organization or its teachings can be judged according to this scheme. This also applies to Roman Catholicism and its teachings. After all, many have gone from atheism to Catholicism and later came to know the truth.

          The vastness of the Bible's teachings warning against false doctrine is no accident.

          1. elpis - that's exactly what I meant. we are not to judge a person because we don't know his intentions. we don't know what's in his heart and we don't know his level of consciousness, but we should look carefully at the teachings that he preaches and where they come from and not turn a blind eye if we see contradictions between them and the Word of God.

    2. Ellen White was wrong about many things: the Sabbath, the identification of Christ with the Archangel Michael, tragic eschatology and much more - just type into a search engine for example : "the erroneous teachings of Adventism" or the erroneous teachings of Ellen White

      1. I know that, Elpis... I'm not sure we understand each other.

      2. I am not familiar with the teachings of Elen White. I decided to learn more about her work and just finished listening to "The Way to Christ". I didn't find any inconsistencies with Scripture and I enjoyed it. I also did not find that she identified the Savior with the archangel Michael. I recommend it - judge for yourself. To form an opinion about E.White I will of course read her other texts as well.

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