Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ukrainian neo-Nazis crucify a soldier

This is the kind of Ukraine that Catholic and the "Polish" government want to defend:

Ukrainonazis from the Azov Battalion nail a separatist to a cross and then burn him alive.

In such a context, it is understandable that the observance of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is of particular importance. Not only in the sense of this bestiality, but also in terms of potential support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. Do not kill not only because people die in this war, but do not kill (do not support this war) because you support such psychopaths as the above.

Have you heard about it on TV?

People get out of this system of evil, don't believe the TV. Don't believe the so-called authorities. Don't get dragged into a war that is not ours.

The Lord Jesus is coming.

Updated: 27 April 2015 — 23:22


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  1. I saw Hen on the forum yesterday and I almost fainted and felt like vomiting. They are psychos who kill with the greatest pleasure and with maximum bestiality. Let this world end already, it's disgusting.

  2. I'm skeptical of these materials. Dudes in masks, doing a public execution on the internet which is supposed to be for what?

    Intimidation? Who? The Russians. If Russia wanted to, Ukraine would have been conquered in a few days and NATO wouldn't have lifted a finger.

    Let's look at the method of execution. After all, the crucifixion by the Azov battalion and setting the man on fire is in Russia's favor. Ukrainians are an Orthodox nation. If they see how Azov is openly anti-Christian, it will undercut the morale of Ukrainians.

    The only thing I can think of is that Russia has the greatest interest in making these types of films.

    Both sides are using all kinds of methods. As with the downing of the Malaysian airliner, the Ukrainians had the greatest interest in it.

    1. Well Ok, it could be FAKE, except that in Odessa they did almost the same thing, and there were no actors there anymore.
      And was it just propaganda in Volhynia in 1943 too?

  3. I think the same as Cyril, after all this is propaganda. How is it different from 2 Americans pretending to be Taliban terrorists and shooting civilians. Plus "then they burn him alive" - where they burn him, set the cross on fire and the video cuts out. They might as well have put him out moments later. Let's not believe everything that is on the internet, there are manipulators there too. The approach that everything on TV is a lie and everything on the Internet is true is, in my opinion, wrong. Not so long ago they were showing videos of trains with troops going somewhere. They gave amazing descriptions and where are these trains? Have they arrived somewhere yet? Let's not allow ourselves to be manipulated.

    1. You're right Yarpen and I've even thought about it, but even if it is a bluff, the world sees it and what opinion does it have of the Ukrainians? Has the goal of this group been achieved?The Russians got scared? certainly not. The world for that sees them as degenerate thugs.
      Unless the Russians did it. Then it makes sense. We'll wait and see if anyone confirms it soon

  4. Beloveds, this is not our war. It is a game between 10 kings who, as the Bible says, are not united and only Mr. Antichrist will unite them. Putin is one of the ten and after the revelation of the Antichrist he will submit to him. (Someone decided that Putin has too much and he needs to take some away.) There are bestialities on both sides. The division into good guys (Ukrainians) and bad guys (Russians) is artificial. You have to agree with Admin that supporting either side makes absolutely no sense.

  5. I remember when they entered Yanukovych's residence after the coup, they crucified several eagles from the zoo's private garden /they boasted about it themselves, and onet wrote about it/. Considering the bestiality of those who murdered Poles in Volhynia, it sounds likely to me. This is not the first such case. Earlier there was also information about crucifying a man on a fence near an Orthodox church. There were also rumors about a boy being crucified. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church supported the UPA in the 1940s and supports it now. The Kiev church is in conflict with the Moscow church. As for me - I don't believe Ukrainians.

  6. It is also interesting to note who sponsored the maydan....

  7. People let's pray for others because the Lord Jesus is coming and many people are feeling it, not just me.
    I believe we will meet this man in paradise.Jesus must have spoken to him and comforted him and prepared him for this martyrdom.The Bible says somewhere "it is good for me that I am oppressed".
    Or C.H.Spurgeon somewhere gives a lecture with such words:"...WHAT IS PAIN, IF NOT AN ALMIGHTY THAT MUST BE GIVEN TO THE JUST".
    And the Bible says "remember the rock out of which ye were hewn and the pit out of which ye were plucked".
    I have had various experiences with demonic attacks and I assure you that they do nothing else but work out how to turn us away from God and rarely reveal themselves, only when they really get mad that they can't tempt a person anymore.
    One must have confidence in Allah to the end.

  8. War is scary....all ahead.
    Without God, we have no chance of surviving and surviving these atrocities.

    1. I even recently told my wife, i.e. quoted:

      "Watch therefore and pray at all times, that you may be able to avoid all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of Man" Luke

      reference to WU

      We are left with prayer and more prayer, humility, repentance and not being ashamed of Jesus. This I recommend to everyone

  9. But there is a great movie on youtube about Abraham, it may take a long time to get going but it really teaches patience and trust in God

    Just right for a long evening, 2 parts are 3 hours long.

    kind regards

  10. In a few days in Ukraine -. . If the information is true I propose to declare a PRAYER DAY. May God protect and guide us.

    1. this is a war that's been going on for 6,000 years. Only two sides are involved in it. However:

      . (7) For the mystery of ungodliness is already at work. Let only him who now restrains give way, (8) then the Wicked One will appear, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of His mouth and destroy [by the very] revelation of His coming

      May it be so. Amen.

      1. It's true - war lasts a long time, but I've never heard of somewhere gathering over 2,000 of the "most powerful" mages , sorcerers etc. and performing some kind of ritual rite. As I wrote, if this is true, it does not look good.

        1. There is another side to this. Well, if we come to live during WU, we are not prepared for:

          "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers above, against the principalities, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits in the heavenly realms." Ephesians.

          And therein lies a serious problem.

    2. Sounds serious and so dark...

      1. Therefore, I suggest we unite this day and night in prayer. It is the best and only weapon we have.

        1. I second that. It's supposed to be between 4:00 and 9:00, right?
          it would be good if we set a time to pray...

    3. Instead of praying to GOD Almighty there is praying to Satan.....
      I cannot look at this horrible world.I want to be worthy to be called the Bride.I am already waiting for the second coming of JESUS CHRIST.

  11. Is the tall one from Naziola a hybrid by any chance?

  12. The saddest thing is that such crimes only lead to war and repression, where the innocent suffer the most...

    It is good that our King is coming, because the blood of the innocent is crying out to the very gates of heaven...
    O Lord, thy kingdom come!

  13. As for the Azov regiment, it is a Jewish regiment:

    This could explain the crucifixion of their victims. In fact, ordinary Ukrainians don't want to fight for the Jews, so they force them to:

    And here's info on who the banderists worship:

    In fact, the Jews - the synagogue of Satan - are behind the entire revolt in Maydan.

    All acts of crucifying animals and even humans are a demonstration of the hatred of Jews and hybrids for Isus and Christians. Additionally, the Jews aim to further divide the Slavs, yes Ukrainians, Russians Poles and others are Slavs - the lost Israel that is under occupation by the Great Harlot and the synagogue of Satan.

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