Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Shocking Confession of the Former DJ Leszek Dokowicz

As promised yesterday, I am posting once again the testimony of Leszek Dolowicz. He shows how the world of Satan works, how the world of music works, how one gets the riches of this world.

Unfortunately, it eventually landed in KRK. I think that without knowing the truth I would have landed similarly.


Updated: 19 February 2015 — 21:30


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  1. The government knows when you walk, sleep and use the restroom.
    Humana, a company that provides services under Obamacare (a government welfare program), knows when its clients visit the bathroom, sleep, walk, open the medicine cabinet or use the refrigerator as part of a new "telemedicine" program that allows pernamental monitoring of people in their home.,p400916709

  2. Under development by DARPA, the "Cortical Modem" will connect directly to the brain.

    The military agency DARPA is developing a brain interface to feed visual information directly to the visual cortex.,p15230204

  3. Recently, a boy in Toronto died of hypothermia - Elijah.
    2 Kings 2 - Elijah was taken to God (sort of like a kidnapping), and Elisha afterwards cursed some youngsters who made fun of him - bears ripped apart 42 kids.
    Revelation 13 - the beast from the sea has the feet of a bear and 42 months to fight the faithful.

    Do you see the pattern and symbolism? The Bible is amazing.

  4. Knowledge of the Truth

    If he can find a contact for him, he will need to be alerted.

  5. Jonathan from the usa researched and drew some Marian images

    stated that it was the most satanic thing he had ever seen in his life....

    1. Good movie. It would be good if someone translated it.

  6. Knowledge of the Truth

    There is a contact for Mr. Lech Dokowicz!
    And on Facebook this gentleman is.
    Write to him as you can. You have an opportunity - be warned!

    Interesting information about him on wikipedia. Among others:
    A father of five children, he is 'currently associated with Fronda and the former Ozone.
    Hmm, on the other hand, this gentleman was strongly absorbed in another deception (KRK) - hard to get out afterwards... We should pray for similar people, there are plenty of them! I have noticed that many have learned the truth, but most of them don't want to practice it, put it into practice. Because it disrupts their current order, literally destroys their 'comfort zone'. They prefer to live as they have lived, their defense is their feelings (accepting the wafer at mass, confessing to the priest - such lightheartedness) and twisting the meanings of words in the Bible. The newly born-again are also in the KRK. In addition to ordinary new-born Catholics, there are also theologians, clergy new-born but participating in the great deception of the KRK and upholding its doctrines. How ironic is that? I remember a conversation with a Catholic (some time ago) as I told the whole truth about the KRK. And he replied what? I am fine the way it is, and these simple explanations (twisted, I might add) are enough for staying in the CoC (lying, but for the deceived true). The worst thing was when he told such a big lie - "Everyone has his own truth, let him stick to it" (or something like that, anyway the sense is the same).

    1. "Everyone has his own truth, let him hold to it" - relativism is also condemned by the kk - because according to church teachings and documents, the fullness of the means of salvation is only in the kk. People do NOT know what teaching their denomination represents often. Intellectual insanity.

  7. Beautiful story God works and says come out my people! I am convinced that this man having the cognition that he has will serve God well, as will the priests who have been manipulated and other Catholics. At the end of time God's Church will cry out not to take the mark of the beast either on the hand or on the forehead. The Holy Spirit will give a warning to the entire planet. I wish for myself and for you that we hear this call to the final resolution of the battle of Good versus Evil.

    It is worth praying for such people and thanking God that He does not leave anyone alone even today.

    1 Corinthians 6:(19) Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you and whom you have from God, and that you do not also belong to yourselves? (20) For ye are dearly bought. Therefore glorify God in your flesh.

    Does anyone have an email to the admin? I have an interesting material if he agrees then maybe I will publish it 🙂 .

  8. Database of documented globalist projects . Global trends introduced by globalists until 2050 . I recommend to read / review .,p2097930879

    1. "hyperdemocracy, world global government" - I'm already scared, demoncracy I guess....

      1. Luc 777 you are right demoncracy not probably just certainly 🙁 🙁 I too am afraid ....

  9. Knowledge of the Truth

    Exactly luc, relativism is also condemned by the CRC. I don't know how they reconcile this...

    1. This is intellectual schizophrenia. People see that the church is a part of this world, it has its own state, structures, palaces, services, influence - so it seems that God can be connected with this sinful environment. If you say something about pedophilia in the church it will be immediately "apologetics". -"the church is made up of sinners" - then why does the pope call himself holy father and have the infallibility?

      Holiness actually means - separation; separateness; withdrawal; distinctness;
      being set apart. The Lord Himself is separate from the sinful world; the church was biblically intended to be so as well.

  10. When I was converted it was also to the Catholic Church at first, but when I started to investigate deeper I came across inconsistencies and so I got a chance from Christ to know the truth. Others, even though they have someone at home who knows the truth and is constantly pushing it to this person, still this person does not accept it, being stuck in Krk. It seems that not everyone is given the chance to know the truth, maybe for their sake? we do not know. I know one thing, one must be in real danger for Christ or, as in the case of this DJ, the Archangel Gabriel to intervene openly. They see up there who is able to carry the weight of truth in Satan's world and I guess they lay it down in relation to people's abilities. I do not write this to exalt the newborn, but only from observation and simple logical reasoning. A healthy person doesn't need a doctor, which is why this artist was referred to krk purely because of an emergency in his life. There Christ has provided a refuge for him, and perhaps he had better stay there until his time for the truth comes.

    1. Yes, it can all be much more complicated than we think. We will be foolish if we perceive God's Thought with our own reason, according to the scriptures this is NOT the case.

    2. I thought the same thing when I wondered why he ended up in the church. It is very possible that God guided him in such a way and the time will come for him to learn the truth... God directs each of us in different ways and very individually. I have seen it in my own example.

  11. Knowledge of the Truth

    You put it well. Human reason is limited to a minimum of possibilities. None of us has the full picture of reality, we don't see everything, all the details. None of the humans can see it. Because only the Creator of all things, God, can see it.
    All that is left for us in this aspect is to show the truth, to outline it, to proclaim it wherever possible. There are tasks, let's call them administrative, which belong only to God and which do not belong to us at all. We are only users. It is up to God to transform the heart and mind of man. Although man himself can individually fight, for example, against his temptations, he cannot do much on his own, and for this he needs Jesus Christ...
    Too much meditation is deceptive...such as philosophizing beyond limits, believing in one's mind. This is where all deceptive satanic teachings can only come from. New Age, satanism, occultism has become a huge temptation for people (especially those still belonging to this world). The false idea that with our 'knowledge' we will reach God and the like. But for this we need the Revealed Word, the Bible. Unfortunately more and more people are rejecting the Bible... The most extreme group of people are those "preaching the great awakening" (correction, it should be: the great deception, preparation for the antichrist). They believe in their own mind, in the power of the subconscious, in NLP and other such things. Of course, much can be written about this, and there is much material about it. It is a horrendous anti-Christian diversion in a wide field and scope. They have pseudo-scientific explanations for everything. However, everything points to a great deception in these times, and not the other way around. You can see these gargantuan efforts of Satan and his possessed, deceived servants. Prayer+faith+works (including preaching the truth). And not stopping in action, because for God all things are possible. Even the conversion of a satanist or occultist, which is evident from the testimonies.

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