Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Hard women or the propagation of satanism

I first noticed Gregor's video on Tough Women on Cyril's blog (he disses Paul and I disagree) and watched it. I then read his text and eminently agree with Cyril's post. This video is not only promoting feminism as Cyril rightly pointed out, but in my opinion a great model for discernment. Those who are born just after waking up and coming out of the Matrix are left to themselves. It is easy to fall into the trap of deception. How to avoid it? In a very simple way: by reading the Bible every day. If you have time to read blogs and videos about the Bible, you also have time to read the Bible.


The following is a very pertinent and deep in thought text by Cyril about this film found in the Roman Vocatio offering.


I watched a certain movie:

Tough Grandmothers - MARK GUNGOR -

Well, in this video, two women were featured alongside Pastor Mark Gungor. These ladies seemingly said good things, about conversion, about how God had worked much in their lives. But what disturbed me.

Well, the other woman, she said these words:

"I'm a bold, confident woman who gives the devil a kick"!!!!

Both of these ladies were simply serving up feminism in a Christian package. Yes, Satan wants to make women believe that they are strong and independent. Already in Eden, the serpent told this lie to Eve:

"(1) And the serpent was cunninger than all the wild beasts which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Did God indeed say, Not of all the trees of the garden shall ye eat?

(2) And the woman answered the serpent, We may eat fruit from the trees of the garden,

(3) Only about the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, You must not eat of it or touch it, lest you die.

(4) At this the serpent said to the woman: Ye shall not surely die,

(5) But God knows that once you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

(6) And when the woman saw that the tree had fruit good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and worthy of desire for gaining wisdom, she plucked the fruit from it and ate. She also gave to her husband who was with her, and he also ate." Genesis 3

And that's why women from now on:

"(16) And to the woman he said: I will multiply the ailments of thy pregnancy; in pains shalt thou bear children, yet thy desires shall draw thee to thy husband, and he shall have dominion over thee." Rev. 3


"(17) Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in this land, they dishonored it by their ways of conduct, and with their idols, and with their uncleanness,  And their way was in my eyes like the uncleanness of a detached woman." Ez 36

Check it out ladies. This Christian feminist wants to give a kick to the devil because according to her she is confident in courage. And God Himself says that the woman after Eden is more dependent on the man...even to the point of the man lording it over the woman.

The Bible, especially Revelation, repeatedly mentions how dangerous and powerful Satan is. As a dragon, he deceives a third of God's angels. And now this lady says that a woman is able to kick the devil because she is brave and confident!!!

Besides, Isus himself taught how we are to relate to Satan:

"(28) And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of him who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." Matt 10

The devil, the dragon we are to fear. Let's think women, by nature are more fearful than men, a woman feels more fear of a bandit. And Isus said that Christians are not to fear the brigand who kills only the flesh, but we are to fear the dragon who can inflict upon us the second death. Giving a "kick to the devil" and being "confident" and not being a confident woman of God and his Son is a manifestation of the cretinism that this Christian woman serves to other women. A "confident" woman is basically easy prey for the devil. Self-confident" women despise men, they are proud, they think highly of themselves and they TEACH AND PUBLICLY HARASS MEN!!! In addition, being bold, in the face of the devil when Isus himself advised us to have a healthy fear - which is what makes us stay away from Satan and his traps, is already a manifestation of the total stupidity of this lady!!!

See my previous article:

In it, the self-defense instructor, makes it clear that when we fight someone on the street we have just destroyed self-defense. "Giving a kick to the devil" being a "brave and confident woman", this is an ENCOURAGEMENT TO FIGHT THE DEVIL WHILE ISUS TELLS US TO FIGHT AND AVOID CONFRONTATION WITH Satan. From fighting Satan is God and especially his Son Isus Christus. This lady is basically telling other women to stop the self-defense against Satan that Isus commanded his disciples.


Literally, Satan uses the same strategy of deception that he used in Eden, that is, he begins the deception with the woman.

I haven't heard such nonsense in a long time. How can a woman who is by nature subordinate to a man fight the devil? This idea must have been given to women by Satan himself.

Let's see, this lady, instead of saying that Isus is her savior from Satan, declares herself fighting Satan and encourages other women to do so!!!!

This shows that in the U.S. and in the West, Christianity is being infiltrated by Satan. It shows that feminism is being served to Christians by their pastors.

It shows that the worship of the "Queen of Heaven" is not just about making Mary, the mother of Isus, into a goddess, as is done in Catholicism.

Well, the "Queen of Heaven" cult is all about making women believe that they are independent of their husbands.

See, the first country in which women got the right to vote was: Catholic Poland. It was in our nation, through the "cult of the Heavenly Mother" that the cult was introduced: "the Polish Mother". That is, the idea of women's independence from men. On such fertile ground women were given the suffrage.

Giving women the right to vote has unfortunately caused a significant decline in Christian civilization. The Bible clearly states that women cannot lead men. And politics is leading men. Yes, a woman can ask God to change her husband's attitude. But the Bible clearly says that God Himself, after Eden, gave authority to men over women.


Well, in politics or in managing a nation it is important to have the best possible knowledge of the realities that govern the world. Men by nature know these realities better than women. In addition, after Eden women are under the natural rule of men. Therefore, women who know less about the realities of the world and are subordinate to their husbands are not competent to choose the right people for politics.

We see the effects today. Liars, thugs, cheats and thieves come to power. When women did not have the right to vote, politicians were bound by male patterns of behaviour.

Let's see, back in the 19th and early 20th century, politicians were dueling. Therefore, slander or lies were unprofitable. Nowadays, a politician can bluster at another person and not even get a slap in the face. And this is because politics is basically ruled by female role models.

Women can spend hours arguing and scheming about insignificant issues and politicians do the same. Men, on the other hand, solve their problems very quickly. In addition, men do not quarrel for any reason, because they know that every conflict is a risk of a duel in which you can lose your health.

Giving women the right to vote has made women succumb to a large extent to feminist propaganda. This propaganda consists in making a woman believe that her rival is her own husband.

And here is the effect of this propaganda:

So in the west women brought up in feminist propaganda are more often victims of violence by their own husbands.

In fact, the upbringing of women in feminism is to teach them to engage in constant combat with their own husbands. The result is that the man eventually reaches for the ultimate argument in the form of physical force.

Yes dear ladies in the west European women thanks to feminism by Europeans are treated the same as Muslim women by Muslims.


Is it any wonder that men eventually start to treat women as the enemy? After all, physical violence is the result of psychological violence, which is used by European women.

And in fact, divorce is generally disadvantageous more for the woman. In fact, the high divorce rate, or the number of single ladies over 40, makes the west resemble a giant PUBLIC HOUSE WITH FREE PROSTITUTES. Such a man who beats a woman and divorces her easily finds another woman. On the other hand, these women after the divorce are desperate to find another man.

This is literally what BEING looks like in practice:

"...a bold, confident woman who gives the devil a kick"!!!!"




I will add two observations from myself.

"Is it any wonder men eventually start treating women as the enemy? After all, physical violence is the result of psychological violence by European women." Janusz Korwin Mikke writes about the same thing in his book How to Raise Children.


"...a bold, confident woman who gives the devil a kick"!!!!"

If anyone is familiar with the subject of demonology, they know that this is not a relegation threatening phrase. The average person not equipped with the armor of God gives a kick to the devil. It is like being driven under the wheels of a car. Even in combat sports they teach about not underestimating the enemy. I found this out a few months ago when a driver scratched my mirror with his car, to which I said to myself, "You demons will be burned in the lake of fire anyway. In just 2 hours when I got back from the tour I was supposed to experience Mexico at home. My confidence was broken. I realized that it takes proper preparation to fight the devil. This is something Max Gregor will not teach you about. Satan is very fond of such "tough women". He will certainly help them to succeed in his world.

This video is a sightseeing tour.




I wrote about the problems of abusive women here:

Updated: 7 December 2014 — 10:30


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  1. Pastor Arthur C. often spoke about kicking the devil and what do you think? As for women, I agree with you and many other things, but should we fear the devil? No, I think not, but put on the armour of Christ and fight him. The devil would like to be feared, but this is not how a man of faith should act.

    1. That's not what I mean. You have to be prepared to kick the devil. I once had a conversation with a Gideonite about demons. He said to me "I wonder what you would do if you saw a demonic manifestation when you were being set free". Such businesswomen in my opinion are not prepared. This is my opinion.
      Of course the devil is not to be feared. However, kicking him in the ass is not a question of the first Christian. I don't have an opinion about Ceroñski completely, but he is someone incredibly self-confident. Is everyone like that? Did Job say, "Satan, I will kick your ass"?

  2. "Doomed to Victory" you tube, there Arthur tells how to deal with the devil. Jesus is Lord and His people are to have no regard for demons and keep it that way.

    1. It takes humility, not artificial confidence, - if you're a long-established Christian with the gift of the Spirit then maybe so, but the average believer... Being in this world we're still kind of in enemy territory.

  3. Do you know how to contact Henryk Kubik?

  4. Gee, I think there is actually something to this. I just found a video from a street service, where during a prayer to set people free, Artur Ceroński uses the word: , "Fire", as does, for example, the suspect Benny Hinn. From 8:42
    And here's Benny Hinn: Fire Falling On Young People.

    What do you guys think about this? Could it be a time of increased deception?

    1. I'm not some enlightened person here, but I prefer to be far away from this thing.
      I don't like it. I used to wonder if I might go for something like that,
      but you know nobody's gonna do my job for me.

  5. Here, for example, at 3:20 people "fall"
    - I don't recall such occurrences during Dereck Princ's service, for example.

    Is this normal? I have not experienced such things. You can get lost in all this already.

    1. Often it can be visually cool stuff, but it seems to me that the implications need to be explored, whether the people being released are actually changing for the better, whether it's having a positive effect on them, etc. Derek Prince himself once stated that he had probably seen everything possible in Pentecostals, but much of it was just sort of theater.

    2. Have you not wondered why God forbade praying in a group ?
      This is because he knows very well that such things cause the so-called opening of KUNDALINI, a different state of consciousness. What is this state ?

      I don't know, but I know one thing, it opens the way for the demon, then visions and channeling appear. Kundalini or altered state of consciousness is most likely a process in the human body that is used for something in the future contact with God, it is possible that the demons know this "channel" and themselves stimulate people to practice and open up by becoming susceptible to deception. The entire Far Eastern cult has become experts in altered states of consciousness:
      We distinguish between short-term states :
      - kundalini
      - ecstasies
      - OBE
      - hypnosis regression therapy

      Yogis are able to induce this state through gymnastic exercises and keep it under control for a long time, which eventually leads to the so-called "enlightened state of mind"
      - nirvana ( indie )
      - Seventh Light ( Japan )
      - Zen ( China )
      - Third Eye ( NEWA AGE )
      These are states where a person is completely dependent on a demon who becomes a mentor or directly this person, Buddha reached nirvana or became a god
      As far as I am concerned it is obvious that the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it, it is a deception. Muhammad wrote the Koran under the influence of a similar state, Buddha wrote his holy books.
      That is why God forbade doing what the pagans do, advised against praying in crowds, so that man does not lose the meaning of prayer and does not enter into states of altered consciousness, where he is exposed to the deception of evil spirits.

      1. God did not give a prohibition against praying in a group, "where two or three gather in my name ,...", the walls of Jericho fell, while singing for God, etc....

        1. Eva meeting in the name of Isus means talking about him and his teachings and exchanging experiences and testimonies. It resembles a conversation between two specialists in some field who exchange information and their experiences, conclusions, insights. This is what prayer should look like:
          "(5) And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they like to pray, standing in synagogues and on street corners to show themselves to the people; verily I say to you, they have received their wages.

          (6) But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door behind thee, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall repay thee.

          (7) And in praying, do not be as much of a talker as the Gentiles; for they think that because of their much talk they will be heard." Matt 6

          These are the teachings of Isus himself as to how we are to pray. And you can see from them that we are to pray in solitude, privately in focus and concentration.

          As for the moors of Jericho, they fell not because of prayers but because of the music of the seven trumpets. Pieces of music are not prayers.

          1. Check out 1 Corinthians 14.26... and even the prayer OUR FATHER. The congregation to whom he spoke was many.

          2. kesia Bushi and Cyril reject Paul's letters

      2. Opening up to demons?
        As a child, I somehow had a pale understanding of all this outside of "church"
        I had nightmares, as if they were dreams, but when I woke up I saw a horrible face with horns falling down and under the floor. After a while everything went back to normal. Somehow I don't remember opening up to anything 28 years ago. And yet something there haunted me. It wasn't until I moved that it stopped. One thing I remember from my childhood is talking about ghosts, I don't know why, but when it's mentioned it makes me want to cry.
        That is, it comes out that the "church" contributed to it.
        I don't remember them informing me of this.
        Today, I prefer to stay away from such practices and others.

  6. I've been sensing the spirit of feminism for a long time, this dangerous "elevation" above men, sexual independence etc. I know the topics from women's sites - just look at the cafeteria - infidelities, "white magic" love, open sexuality, being a mistress, love as an uncontrolled attraction to high, commanding and wealthy males, little self-criticism, more and more demands from men - also more and more singles among young men who only "use" women, because in their opinion they are "naturally" spoiled and they deserve it. The problem is that we are all broken, and we should not deepen it, but repair it.

    Tough and friendly fairy, but she won't find you a bike 😀

  8. Arthur does not have to be liked, defended or supported; in fact he doesn't seem to want to. You can have different opinions about him; after all he is not a superhuman, he doesn't consider himself to be one, and the fact that he shouts and loudly proclaims his message may irritate some people but it really irritates demons because they go crazy when they hear about Jesus.Notice what happens when we give in, when we keep silent - the area is taken over by the evil one with his demons, people, etc. and we have what we have on the example of Poland - seized banks, lands, factories.

  9. Did Jesus instruct women by insulting and demeaning them? Did He first lecture them that they were dumber than Him because they were women in the first place. Then he told them that they were haughty, proud, disobedient to their male masters. On top of that, did he tell them that they shouldn't speak because they wouldn't say anything smarter than even the dumbest guy?
    No, Jesus did not treat any woman that way. That's what "enlightened" men who know best that a woman's place is beneath them can do.
    She is to ask and wait. ( Preferably her husband, not Jesus).
    Something makes me think that some people haven't found a way to control their woman yet and until steam goes through their ears from anger 😉 .
    Does a woman need the intermediary of a guy to have a personal relationship with Jesus?
    Jesus is to be the Mediator to God.
    I haven't read about guys as the right and only infallible intermediaries on the road to Jesus.
    But maybe I don't know much.
    Cleaning is best started in your own home.
    If you have a sparkle in your home, you go and play the perfect "Mr. Home"

    1. "She is to ask and wait. ( Preferably her husband, not Jesus)" Irony is not from God. Who said to ask only the husband and not Jesus? This is a lie.

      Cyril wrote it like it is and you do as you think. I see that you are extremely affected by this problem. They will know you by your fruits.

      1. By the way, I don't know a single happy one of these so-called HARD women. They generally stay alone and their children are poorly raised.

      2. If a woman is despised and humiliated by her husband, father...she has to ask for every penny, she has to hear about wastefulness, while she is thrifty, she has no love, no wonder she wants to get a job to earn money and get separated from her oppressor with money.Where they are loved it is rare to leave, but today it is rare to love your wife, usually the husband calls her "my old lady"... I think that husbands (men) should take care of their role and in most cases they will be exalted by their wives, sisters.I keep hearing here about submission but not about love like CHRIST for his bride, that he gave his life for her when she was still a sinner and he prepares her for himself by teaching her love by his example.There is a lot to say here, I will say it briefly: "this is not how it should be among you...whoever wants to be among you first, let him be your servant" Matthew 20.26-27, this is the principle of the Kingdom of God, do we exclude from it, marriage, family?

        1. Men are also tempted by Satan. They use the authorities, they make servants out of women, even from serving sandwiches and slippers. Satan takes women and men against each other. Men are spoiled by porn films, so they are not able to love genuinely. Women watch such films much less. We have all sinned, we are all tempted by Satan. It is not worth blaming women more. A man was created to rule and control women, but it is a woman who is a support for a man. She is more reasonable and assertive. And a woman subjected to feminism (feminazism) falls lower and men should help such women. To curb them.

        2. It has become a mess of statements. Many have lumped everyone together when the topic of Cyril's post is about tough women.
          This is not just to Kesja, but to anyone who runs outside the topic of so-called tough women. Nor is it to the topic of weak men.

          I will say this:
          By their fruits you shall know them. If a man works on the house and provides everything good, is polite and the woman is aggressive, something is wrong with the woman and several readers wrote about it. Unfortunately, Cyril's text probably hurt women who are not fulfilling their role as mothers, wives.
          There is an ocean of texts on the internet about bad men, alcoholics and mommies. Not much about so called tough women. We break taboos and that's it.
          I don't know a single happy mental emancipator.

          "I want you to know that the head3 of every man is Christ, and the man is the head of the woman, and the head of Christ3 is God" 1 Cor.

          If a woman disagrees with this (Paul's quote), it means that an Evil spirit is working in her.

          1. I agree with that. I am not yet, a mother or a wife and on not even a relationship. I am waiting for someone special and I understand the superiority of a man and just because it is so doesn't mean a woman is inferior. She has other roles and it is certainly not to rule. For me a man to rule over a woman must be a Christian. You should also do an article about weak men who use authority.

  10. Everyone is humiliated now. Women are treated like cannon fodder. And they are taught to still be happy about it. I'm irritated by the big billboards with the woman wearing a bra and pants. It's all seen by children, older people, young women, driven teenagers. And it should be that a naked woman is reserved for her husband. It's not about dressing in burqas. But people, what does it look like when a naked woman sits or lies half a block away and everyone stares.
    And men are treated like such sex animals and are told so.
    It's a shame that people fall for it. I already sensed something was wrong, but I had no way of opposing it.

    1. well, we are descended from apes - and one of their "arguments" for this is the propaganda of free sexuality and the promotion of carnality

  11. I never wanted to be an independent woman, but it happened differently. My family lacked and lacks men with principles, with values, not to mention faith in God. At the age of 22 my dad died, who was influenced by evil forces all his life (huge pathology). His parents were addicts, parents on my mom's side as well. My husband on the other hand lives in the current world, his family are staunch Catholics, totally against what he is trying to tell them. My sons are totally dependent on me, on what I teach them.... I give them God's Word, and the next minute someone in the family is talking and showing them something completely different. It is incredibly difficult.

    1. but you show humility. Sometimes life works out that way. You didn't choose this, this life. Other women do, rebelling against men.

  12. There's something about that. When you go to school, there is a fear of other women in my case. A lot of girls are angry, haughty, and talk back. When in a certain school I was in a class with 30 girls and only girls, I ran away after 1 day from such a school and signed out. It's different with boys, they don't argue about anything. Besides, all you have to do is to go to a cosset or a poodle. The women there are horrible. Yesterday there was an article about the abortion of a famous woman in Usa. It's hard to believe what women wrote :/

  13. "...; fear rather him who can both soul and body destroy in Gehenna." I think it is written about God.

    1. Exactly. I am to slumber so as not to sin. It would be heresy for the LORD JESUS to command to fear the devil not GOD.Only GOD has the power to cast into the lake of fire forever,for the devil will be there before(Rev.20.10 .15).

  14. As for the earlier thread, from my observations, the people who pull such circuses, "unleash fire" on people, also have in common that they often mention finances. I approach them with a lot of distance, and suspicion.

    The world is getting more and more evil, the economic situation is getting worse, and social pressures are increasing. Our human tendency is to be led more by our feelings than by God. It is our emotions that tell us what the truth is. Unfortunately, because of this, many will fall away, as Jesus warns." -

  15. one and the same thing in every possible package, how many times can you keep going-
    Feminism - the feeling of superiority over men, racism - the feeling of superiority over other races, religious fanaticism - the feeling of superiority over other people, stoking the feeling of superiority or stoking pride - love God and neighbor

    social status, doing a certain job is also considered by many to be superior to others, are we just that kind of people to think that, or is it possible to say that because most people think that, it means that most people are crazy? How hard is it to convince a woman who earns 2x more than her husband that she is at least 2x better than him? The same can be said about feminism, racism etc...

  16. I think that a woman should be submissive to her husband who follows the Bible and God's word. I think that a woman should be submissive to her husband, but that he should follow the Bible and God's word, and send his wife to work. I think that a woman should be submissive to her husband, but that he should follow the Bible and God's word.

    1. I think at a certain age you should grow out of the CRK. Look at what's happening now before Christmas. And what will happen on Easter? They will be going to church with baskets. Stores will be flooded with chickens, bunnies, colorful Easter eggs. Rubbish. And now it's only such hoo-hoo you can hear. These holidays are probably just for children, and to eat. The only good thing is that you can meet with your family. But Catholics themselves say it's more about tradition.

    2. "I believe that a woman should be submissive to her husband but following the Bible and the word of God"

      Very wise observation, I was even going to write about it once, but it escaped me. However, it's not so obvious either. I got an email from a reader about six months or a year ago. Her husband is a devout man of God and now writes but rarely on our forum. She pressed me to delete his profile blackmailing me that she would report me to the police for not deleting it. She complained that her husband hit her openly. I copied the message and sent it to the person concerned. His wife harassed me in a rude way in few more emails. His wife harassed me in a rude way in a few more e-mails, so I managed to form an image of her person. I hope she doesn't mind me writing about it, but I didn't use any names or logins. So we have a pious man and a wife standing in the way of his salvation - not very balanced, not living according to good will, subjected to the head of the family (from what I remember a Catholic). Since then this forum user writes once a month. I suspect that still in fear that his wife would accuse him of something. This is how demons work. What is the mechanism of this: a follower of Jesus tries to live according to the Word of God, but his wife, under the influence of demons, does not allow him to do so, using a whole repertoire of means. The husband cannot stand it and strikes. He feels guilty, hopeless as a Christian, unworthy of God. The demons with the wife have won. They have done everything together to make him lose his faith.

  17. Derek Prince made a comment, though its directness is shocking: "The problem in the family is not women demanding emancipation; it is men running away from their responsibility."ący-mężczyzna

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