Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Sources of women's aggression towards their partners

Note this text is not generally about relationships between men and women, but about the sources of women's aggression towards their partners, husbands.

While writing about aggressive women I realized after an email from the reader mentioned above how big this problem is. It turned out that only within 12 hours from the publication of yesterday's text about women, many women have a similar problem on our

To the first email of a woman writing to me, I wrote back like this:

"I think the cause of the conflict lies in your mother's or your father's relationship to you as a child. Maybe you witnessed violence or your mother rebelled against your father.

This may have arisen in connection with your professional career. It is very likely that you are demonized, but not possessed. "

Here is the content of her second email:

"Thank you very much for your prompt reply. You are very right about your childhood, mother and grandmother being dominant, unappreciative of men and, to put it mildly, frigid types of women. I, on the other hand, agree with the biblical view of the roles of man and woman in a relationship. I take care of the home and 2 children, I want to be the best wife and mother possible. I leave career and professional success to my husband;) My relationship with my mother is very bad; she was raised in the spirit of socialism and was always more interested in her work than in me. I am happy with my husband, who is a very intelligent, good, resourceful and hard-working guy. I love him very much and I want to be a submissive wife - even if I don't agree with him he always stands his ground. He impresses me as a man. I love my children more than life, I could write here for hours;) The problem is my inner anger, outbursts of wrath, screaming - then I cry, ask God for forgiveness, for help... I often think about being demonized and it scares me, but I don't see any other option, because I have no reason to be so angry with my most beloved people. I am terrified, I don't know how to deal with this.;(((( This is the first time I am telling someone about this- maybe other people's prayers for my intentions will help...I have sinned a lot in the past and I am ashamed of my actions. I was young, my mother was never close to me, I felt lonely... Lots of alcohol, rock/metal music, partners... And I got it, low light of what I know today, demonization or God's punishment are logical consequences of my actions;(( But today I am a completely different person - thanks to my husband. I pray every day, I love God and Christ, and I hope for their mercy. Of course I agree to publish the email and once again I ask you to pray for me, maybe together we can do something;) How can I deal with demonization on my own, i.e. how to ask God for help???? I ask you to pray for me to be a good wife and mother... I wrote a lot... Thank you for your answer, may God protect you, greetings. "

Let's note one thing: as you can see a Christian woman can be demonized which is a result of the past.

Satan wanted to keep this problem hidden. Besides, the word "occult" translates to "(Latin. occulo - hide, keep secret; occultus - hidden, concealed, secret) "

Almost from childhood, a child is being prepared to have traits useful in destroying the family in the future. At the elementary school stage, and even earlier, children are given computer games, EGO is glorified, independent women are shown, the cult of Mary, etc.

So it is almost impossible to protect yourself from that. In elementary school, alcohol, drugs, and quick sex come into play.

Someone on our forum wrote about a case where several female high school students bet that they would get pregnant with one and the same classmate. They succeeded just like Lot's daughters.

It is often the case that a woman who is aggressive towards her husband is subconsciously envious of his financial position and wisdom, and unable to give anything of herself, attacks her benefactor. Such women are devoid of passion, they are insensitive. They are generally unhappy apart from their husbands.

Interestingly, as a friend of ours wrote today on, it is mothers-in-law who encourage aggression towards their sons. I know this from my own skin, because my mother both with her contemptuous attitude towards me and sometimes with her suggestions directed to my wife such as "can't you raise a man?" etc. has some share in my wife's attitudes. My mother is an independent woman as is my mother-in-law.

Self-assured women say: men today are weak people. No, it is some women who are through aggression and competition with men that are ruthless. She is not writing about our heroine here. She fortunately stopped to look in the mirror, to define the problem. I myself am sensitive, but if I had to define myself by some fictional character from literature or film, I think it would probably be Michał Wołodyjowski, a brave romantic. Am I weak because I am sensitive? How many people decide to write the truth as I do? There are only a handful of such people. I am not writing this to glorify myself, but to show that a sensitive man can have a fighting spirit.



An email reader also wrote what is important and what many pastors are talking about in the US:

"I'm terrified, I don't know how to deal with this;((( "

No church in Poland educates on this issue. She is a Christian. It is stronger than her, which means it is clearly a demonic influence. Her prayers do not work.

If we do not crucify our own IAM, the old sinful one, then there is no question of being born again. It is very easy to know a born again person by the fruits of the Spirit, and these are: "And the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such /virtue/ there is no Law." Galatians.

Someone who has started believing again and is violent is a born again or a candidate for the new birth.

The following example perfectly illustrates the discrepancy between professed faith and the fruit of the Spirit:

"The woman driving the car was stopped by a police pursuit group consisting of several police cars. The officers ran out of the vehicles and surrounded her, aiming their weapons at her. The woman was shocked. What did I do? - You crossed lanes without signalling, you made obscene gestures to other drivers and you hurled vulgar insults at them - said one of the policemen. - And that's why you're pointing a gun at me? - she asked. - Well, we saw a sticker on your windshield that said you were a Christian, so we figured your car must be stolen." (Bible Lessons 1/2010, p.5, Znaki Czasu Publishing House)

This text I write the second time because by "accident" the blog was damaged I had to ask the hosting company for a backup from Saturday. So I lost the original text and it was a bit better. Generally, I personally find ad hoc writing better. Henryk Kubik puts great care into his texts, and I often have a thought and write it sometimes at work between classes

I am absolutely certain that Satan and his horde of thugs that are demons are not comfortable with what he writes.

Alfred Palla before he finished his book "The Invisible War" had his apartment burned down and with it part of the book. I don't believe in such cases....

Demons care about hiding the truth. For this reason witchcraft is practiced. A woman who is independent in her relationship and rebellious is a victim of witchcraft. This witchcraft is influenced by TV, newspapers, not biblical company.

If they care about covering, then God does just the opposite and it is written:


"So do not be afraid of them! For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, nor anything secret that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, repeat in the light; and what you hear with the ear, proclaim on the housetops! "

I think that's what God is revealing to us: women demonized by the witchcraft of Satan's system.

I am convinced that thanks to this email from a woman asking for help in getting rid of her aggression towards her beloved husband, what was covered has been uncovered.

Wives be good to your husbands.

I am aware that relationships are different, but if even an alcoholic or atheist husband sees your aggression, he will not believe in your Christianity. On the other hand, paying attention to your husband's addictions or vices will not get rid of your aggression or other vices.

All our impurities are the old life that needs to be crucified

It is impossible to meet Jesus in life and not leave the old life.

Updated: 11 October 2014 — 18:16


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  1. In reference to the previous conclusion you wrote Admin, that men are sometimes more sensitive than women. So why then do they seek out haughty and aggressive women? Then they let themselves be pushed around by them. Apropos speaking aloud about men's problems I am very much in favour. It also follows that most men are weak because they don't talk about it. It's true that women are mentally stronger, because they don't get drunk when there are problems, they know how to deal with them better. And men are afraid to stand up against stereotypes. They are not able to find an effective way of dealing with their problems, one that does not endanger themselves or their family.
    They usually complain how awful women are, because they do not know how to deal with themselves and with them. A man of strong character works on himself and does not yield to the pressure of the environment or women.
    I agree that women can be mean and calculating, just as men can be that way. But this is not what I am talking about, because these are generalizations and most often it is the case that neither a woman nor a man is either completely mean or completely good. It is not even worth talking about it, just make it clear.
    So, going back to the previous one, women need to do everything they can to make their men feel valued. They have to feel their own value in order to help build it for their man who cannot find it in himself. That is why women have to be stronger than men and that is what they are.
    In a world ruled by Satan, it is unfortunately the other way around. Instead of the man being stronger, the woman has to be that way.
    I hope you Admin were not distracted by what I wrote. I wish you further exploration of the topic.

    1. Claiming that women are more powerful is as much of an understatement as saying that men are smart and women are stupid.
      It is Satan's system that makes it hard for men to be men. There is dissonance drowned in alcohol. He feels misunderstood.

  2. Milka admittedly you have not been active on the forum lately, but you must have read the prayer thread, where women do not write about their men's alcohol at all, they know perfectly well about their aggression. Cyril understood what I wrote, you did not. You didn't understand because from what I remember you don't read the Bible. How can a woman testify about her faith through aggression? You do not understand this heroine of the email.
    Until 100 years ago, there was a pure division of roles and a healthy ground for man and woman to realize themselves.

    1. This is how it is, and it started with small concessions, probably from rich men possessed by various passions, because usually bored rich men look for various attractions. And then the surprise when there are so many divorces because a man can no longer stand another man next to him, i.e. a feminist who has taken on the role of head of the family, as well as a woman can no longer stand a effeminate man, who nota bene she brought to such a state herself, but subconsciously feels some lack and is looking for the next victim.

  3. Hi. It is worth writing about the huge number of psychiatrists and psychologists who preach doomed to failure attempts to solve problems without God. It always ends that way because it has to. So many seek help from them, even those who barely have enough money to live on, and they usually deliberately charge horrendous rates even from the poor and wallow in luxuries living in the delusion of happiness just like their many clients after their visits. Greetings; only in God is hope and happiness.

    1. Hello, I am 19 years old now. When I was 13 years old I went to a middle school. I don't live in a small town, but this middle school and many others in Poland are strange. It is always the same. In every such middle school, bullying, violence and drugs. It is not like that in primary and secondary schools. I was myself in middle school. I grew up in a good home, I'm cultured, kind and have a lot of empathy. My peers in middle school were bothered by this. Is it a coincidence that strangers in a new school all pick on you and oppress you? I went to an open facility where there is a middle school and a high school but for 30 people total. It's a facility for people with family and school problems. Every student has a psychologist, there is a psychotherapy group. I was there for 2 years. The psychologist and the therapy group did not help me. In fact, I got neurosis and depression. Significantly, I couldn't believe in God, I cursed him. Once I was afraid of death and it hurt me that life was so short. I thought death was the end. Then when the depression got worse, I couldn't see the meaning of life, nothing made me happy. I was pained by existence, I felt life was strong after life only something made me not want to live, that even after death I would not be at peace and have consciousness. It was strange and yet I just had fears. I was afraid that I would faint everywhere. I continued to go to this facility, to this school and to this psychologist. I was given psychotropics by a psychiatrist for my neurosis and anxiety. When I finished my stay there, I was there 2 years and the neurosis and depression at the end of my stay there. It dragged on for 2 years, I was careful with the medications, I went off every once in a while and took very little altogether. The depression didn't end, I had nightmares in my sleep. The same dream that a dark force was knocking me out of bed. I wanted to do something and faith and hope came to me. It's all gone. I enjoy my life, no more nightmares, less anxiety. I finally have a sense of life. I've been struggling with neurosis and depression for 2 years, and before that a psychologist, but all I needed was faith, love and forgiveness. The psychologist rolls out the problems during the sessions but doesn't give hope, doesn't talk about God and doesn't have the term "new birth" The psychologist gave me only depression.

  4. Here is my article on the subject:

    Milka you write:
    "That's why women need to be stronger than men, and that's what they really are.
    In a world ruled by Satan, it is unfortunately the other way around. Instead of the man being stronger, the woman has to be that way."

    And in this way Satan will finish you off. God has so constructed man and woman that it is the woman in a world of sin who is submissive, weaker to her husband:

    "(16) And to the woman he said: I will multiply the ailments of thy pregnancy; in pains shalt thou bear children; yet unto thy husband shall thy desires draw thee, and he shall have dominion over thee." Genesis 3

    God says that the woman for sinning is to be submissive and weaker to the man from now on. This is logical, the earth has been cursed, meaning the conditions on it are more unstable. That is, less favorable to the woman.

    Women have to be more sensitive to have a baby. Just as a computer is more sensitive than a drill. Sister Milka, on the other hand, says that if the drill is not quite efficient, then start drilling with the computer.

    Testosterone, the male hormone, makes a person act confident and composed under stress. MMA fighters, boxers take it to the power to act confidently and decisively in a fight. This hormone is produced in large quantities by men. Thanks to it, any activity outside dem in a changing environment is better performed by a man.

    What are you writing about sister? About what the socialists preached: "women on tractors and into factories".

    1. Mr. Cyril, you took an example of MMA out of your ass, because our Polish fighter Joanna Jedrzejczyk and not only she would put together more than one guy in her surroundings. They trained with guys, because in Poland too few women still train due to such stupid talk as yours and there was no way to create separate male and female groups. Similarly, for example, the world of programmers belonged to women before computers hit the homes of masses as game consoles and it was the men who did not buy computers for girls because they as game consoles are not suitable for them and we have the end we have.

      Second primo if there are so many more crimes in the world committed by men then who can cope less mentally? Why is it that women are often left alone with children when men are often overwhelmed by this enormity and run away from home, or lose their homes while gambling. Somehow they manage, even though there are so many people at home and she more than once has to feed, clothe, take them to school, buy books, go to the doctor...

      Third primo, who do men run to when they have problems? To colleagues? Don't be naive, a meeting over a beer will end and problems won't even begin to solve and you can lie here, but you know very well how it is, only it's a shame to admit it, although personally I see no shame.

      Fourthly, if you are really Polish, I advise you to improve your knowledge of what women have done, discovered or stopped major disasters throughout the years of Polish existence. I don't mean only what was in the history at school, because it's just a lot of rubbish and a lot of omissions and not even only Polish women, from all over the world.

      So if you want to hide behind a writing just to have a basis for your own convenient reasoning, you should also first learn that the writing you are referring to has been modified many times and has virtually little to do with the original content.

      You can also talk about factories and tractors, but everyone knows that you have always been best suited for this, so shovel in hand and look for brains in the ground, which fell off when talking bulbous philosophies

      1. Dear atheist. i would ask for a minimum of culture. It doesn't hurt, and it will help in a substantive discussion.

  5. He who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God, for those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation, everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ of God is born of God, how, in the light of the above words, does the accusing of believers in Jesus of demonizing or denying their new birth, not constitute an attempt to invalidate the Scriptures which do not give some intermediate possibility. The influence of childhood on the behavior of believers is also an unnecessary exaggeration of something over which God gives the victory because He has redeemed us from all unrighteousness as well as from our own poor conduct handed down from our parents. We are not debtors to the flesh to fulfill its lusts.
    I think that the real reason why believers fall is because of their ignorance of the gospel and the apostles' teachings, and thus their increased susceptibility to all sorts of human science with psychology at the forefront

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