Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. and where does HK get this footage from? did anyone check who shot it? Why do they appear on the web at all?
    it smacks of gross manipulation to me. I don't trust people like Henry.

    1. The person of HK is not important here. He might as well have put this material by Yogi Bear 🙂 What matters is the substance, the point. This can be argued over.
      I posted the HK info because of the source.

      As for the video itself. I find it odd that the Jesuit oath speaks of destroying the Freemasons. After all, the Freemasons are among the Jesuits. Masons=Jesuits=Illuminati=Zionists=Vatican=Luciferians

  2. Can you trust the church whose dogma is contrary to the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, and on top of that, pedophilia, financial scandals and many worse have already been proven.

  3. If they were contradictory, the church would have spent 2,000 years adapting the translation of the Bible to these dogmas. It is thought that a lack of understanding of the truth of the faith is connected in the seekers of truth with a different interpretation of the words of Scripture.

    As far as the affair is concerned, if there was even one perfect man on earth, then it could be argued that the church (be it the church or the evangelical church) should also be like that. Unfortunately for us, churches consist of people, only people. And they are weak, sometimes they deny themselves like Peter, but they convert, and sometimes they are Judas, who joined Jesus, Jesus did not choose them. And such betray...

    I don't know what you expect from a Christian to call himself a Christian, because I have the impression that this is a search for a man of virtues, a perfect man. And please get rid of the illusion that anyone who calls himself born again is already perfect because he has been born again. This is just the beginning. And there is no telling what the end will be.
    We are all human and we all have weaknesses. And we have to fight against them, but no one on earth can achieve Jesus' ideal. It would be hubris to even think that way. We are to imitate him and follow his teachings. Can a disciple surpass the master? NEVER

    1. Jesus said that only the truth gives liberation (John 8:32). The Catholic Church preaches a false pseudo-Gospel and therefore it is worth considering whether to support such a lie. St. Paul warns against accepting a different Gospel from that preached by false teachers Galatians 1:8. But everyone has a choice. It is interesting that graduates of Catholic theology, both priests and laymen, do not know the basics of the Bible, have never read it and understand nothing of it - of course the same level is presented by those who are catechized. When it comes to scandals, Jesus also said that the faithful are to be recognized by their fruits, and what fruit do the leaders of the Church bear? No man is perfect but we are saved by faith through grace (Romans 3:21-31). It is helpful to associate with a group of believers from a good evangelical community to explain the basic points of the Bible

      1. And why should I rely on the communities to explain things to me? I have my own mind and I can read. I have read the Bible several times and every day I read the passages I am considering. Jesus preached the gospel to simple people and they followed him in great numbers, understanding his teachings without others explaining them. But these great experts in the scriptures, as it turns out, were mistaken in their interpretation. That is why the Pharisees, standing in the truth, lost. Their pride and certainty that they knew best and understood best blinded them to the spiritual reading of the scriptures.
        Only God can reveal to man the truth of the message of scripture, but not everyone is able to approach the word of God with humility, hence so many misinterpretations.

        1. I am not in the community, I am exploring on my own. Unfortunately I feel bad without like-minded people of faith in the real world (not to be confused with the hip).
          The more I read the Bible, the more I am not only affirmed, but disgusted with the NCC that I was so foolish to trust this institution before.

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