Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Truth in movies

In this section I post the most important videos for born again and newly awakened Christians.


History of the Roman Church



Revisiting Biblical Christianity - Dave Hunt Part 1 & 2


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  1. Flat Earth? NASA's Biggest Lie EN

    NASA Flat Earth Interview / An interview with a former NASA employee about the shape of the Earth.

  2. Great movies. All but the flat earth, does not convince me. Regards.

  3. flat earth/you'd better remove it because it harms the blog, how can you believe in it-massacre

  4. I believe that the Earth is not a sphere as we have been told since Copernicus (who was a Mason).The Bible speaks volumes on this subject and speaks of a circle (not a sphere).God sits ABOVE the circle of the Earth and sees all people and the Earth is his footstool.These are words from the Bible.The word NAD- means NAD.God does not sit around the Earth.The Earth-sphere is at the hand of the Masons to dissuade people from the creationist God and bring them back to the big bang and randomness-as we are taught-origin from apes.

    1. Since it is not a sphere then the sun should illuminate all of the Earth's terrain at once, there would be daylight everywhere.
      And where would the place be for the night? The night would be on the other side of the plane?
      You are writing nonsense.

      1. Normally I don't post comments like this about the last sentence.
        Do you think you spoke out of love?

  5. There are very many indications of a flat earth and the sun and moon running under the firmament created by God. For example, this video:

    which indicates, based on material from Nasa, that the moon can be up to 70 miles in diameter based on the fact that the object's shadow cannot be smaller than the object itself.
    I also recommend this video:

    At minute 6.18 you can see the sun creating a glare on the water below on the ground. How can it since it is 150 million km away and the clouds we see there should prevent this reflection.

    Here is another video showing the sun, where the balloon with the camera almost rubbed against it, do you really think the sun is 150 million km from the camera ?

    In 8.12 how far is the sun from the camera on the balloon.
    Also look at the hotspot that the sun creates on clouds, how is that possible from 150 million km away ?

    Here a longer video of the flight:

    hotspot at minute 4.27

    1. One simple piece of evidence such as Foucault's pendulum is enough to dispel the myth of a flat earth. The pendulum stands still relative to space, and the rotating earth beneath it causes the plane of oscillation to rotate around for an observer standing on the ground.
      Additionally, in the northern hemisphere it rotates clockwise the faster the closer it gets to the north pole, ideally at the equator it does not rotate at all, and in the southern hemisphere it rotates counterclockwise the faster the closer it gets to the north pole.


        An article by a physicist at the Jagiellonian University on this pendulum.

        On page 5 it says:

        "The direction of the precession we observe is generally constant for a given pendulum.
        If we take a different pendulum, it may change.
        It happens that an ellipse is formed but does not precess.
        It also happens that the ellipse goes into a circle."

        If this is supposed to be proof of the earth's rotation then great this proof. All pendulums on public display have electromagnetic assistance to prolong the pendulum effect. But are you sure ? If there are electromagnets they can be set so that the pendulum doesn't accidentally start swinging the wrong way 🙂 .

      2. You take the Earth's spheres on faith because you can't check it yourself, you trust someone who was supposedly there.
        This pendulum has to be moved so there is human intervention.Experiment doesn't count.It's fake

  6. I also recommend this video where everything about the true shape of the earth is explained along with a description of all the "evidence" for its sphericity:

  7. I believe the Earth is flat. It is not as we are commonly told. NASA and other satanic organizations.

    I don't believe everything flat earthers say, because there's a lot of lying too.

    So I bought a telescope and I watch God's works.
    Observation shows me that the moon is not shining with its own light but something is illuminating it. The moon is not flat you can see craters and shadows and the angle of the light. Which changes with the cycle. A big argument against its own light.

    1. Well, the moon is illuminating:
      * sunlight;
      * light reflected from the ground, also called ash light.

  8. The fact that under the films about the flat earth immediately appear a lot of "scientists", i.e. educated opponents, clearly proves that the earth is flat... who of the people would spend time to deny something that in the opinion of most is ridiculous and unreal... these people spend time and money to deny the flat earth... why? Well, because their principals or they themselves are very interested in nipping real knowledge in the is plain to see...if anyone believes in God they KNOW the earth is flat

  9. Back to Biblical Christianity part 1. 4 minutes 10 seconds- am I overreacting or am I seeing a gesture that's been talked about a lot lately?

  10. To me, a flat earth is convincing and makes sense.

  11. I am also convinced by the flatness of the Earth. A sphere could not be a footstool of God. Can you imagine a sphere as a footstool?

  12. Będę też korzystał z tej modlitwy

  13. W Polsce środowisko protestanckkie praktycznie nie istnieje,a nie jest hermetyczne 🙂
    Dobry film Piotrku.

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