New Song: Can One Man Save the World. 🇺🇦
- John Ondrasik (@johnondrasik) March 14, 2022
Either this is a training ground to prepare people for the real anti-Christ, or we already have the anti-Christ in what for now ...
New Song: Can One Man Save the World. 🇺🇦
- John Ondrasik (@johnondrasik) March 14, 2022
Either this is a training ground to prepare people for the real anti-Christ, or we already have the anti-Christ in what for now ...
Two idolatrous countries. Two afflicted by communism and Khazaria. These two hostile post-Slavic countries worship the being behind Mary.
The title is meant to be blunt, honest, and true, and it is.
Mary was a humble woman when she saw ...
After my article yesterday, I was approached with an ino about amightywind.
Here's a screen shot:
A prophet need not warn of his anointing.
Who gave this prophet the authority to endorse Trump?
Does our God support a man who cronyises with ...
"'The heart is more treacherous than all else and incorrigible - who will fathom it?' (Jer 17:9)"
Someone who aspires to be through their works achieve a state of perfection is vulnerable to deception or self-deception because the perfect one on earth was only Jesus.
We ...
Zelenski invokes God, but in vain, for he has sent a mass of young Ukrainians to war.
Worse in all this is the outlook of so-called believers like Mrs. Beaty.
Czasem się irytuje tym masowym zwiedzeniem, ale teraz uważam, że jest to bardzo …
Actually, this case does not surprise me, but it shows that the Zionist pastorate is beginning to expose itself.
You'll see how the next ones pan out.
I repeat: while the plandemic was the first test of participation in the beast system so the issue of Ukrainization of Poland and supporting one ...
Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.
You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.
However, having ...
Siostra w wierze nakreśliła mi na podstawie swojej wiedzy możliwy plan elit satanistycznych na najbliższe miesiące:
Pokazywanie zła tylko po jednej stronie w przypadku pastora rzekomo natchnionego Duchem Uświęcającym nie jest pomyłką.
To wilki w owczych skórach.
Ci zwodziciele uprawiają retorykę Bidena, Żełeńskiego i TVN. W ten sposób oczyszczają kłamcy jedni rząd “ukraiński” a …