Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Health

Omicron jest tak słaby, że RPA przestanie śledzić i poddawać kwarantannie swych obywateli.


Rząd RPA  ogłosił, że kraj zamierza zaprzestać śledzenia i kwarantanny kontaktów firmy Omicron. Eksperci medyczni odkryli, że Omicron jest tak słaby, że nie muszą śledzić jego wariantu wśród ludzi….


Ministerialny Komitet Doradczy (MAC) ds. Covid-19 napisał do …

In Germany, the unvaccinated are offering their semen as the new Bitcoin.


Anti-Kovidians, opponents of the medical experiment in Germany stated on Twitter that  "Unvaccinated sperm is the new Bitcoin" -

Are you sure: semen people unvaccinated is cleaner than in vaccinated individuals who have already been "poisoned" by BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.


"Unvaccinated ...

A vaccine prototype of the mark of the beast - a skin patch - was created.

Invariably for almost 10 years, I have thought that the mark of the beast would be an electronic tattoo and not any "regular" stab.

Since there is to be transhumanism, there will be, and making humans into robocops fused with electronics is the goal of Satan's agenda.


The British company will soon begin ...

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