It is worth posting on foreign sites and on English-speaking Facebook
It is worth posting on foreign sites and on English-speaking Facebook
I intentionally used capitals in the word "flu" to draw the reader's attention to the fact that this is not about vaccinations for children, but specifically for the flu.
Having been in several parties, I know that political activity costs money.
One of the elements of gaining power is staffing your ...
Much is said about alcoholism, about cigarettes but not about such sins as gluttony, groping, pride arising from knowledge and success, greed, laziness.
This time about binge eating.…
..."A new drug called flakka has arrived in Europe including Poland. The new specific is called "gravel" there, because it looks like colored gravel used to pour out the bottom of an aquarium.
Use of this drug, which can be snorted through the nose, smoked, injected intravenously
It will be a bill that limits the freedom of parents.
"The Ministry of Health wants to introduce compulsory pneumococcal vaccination from next year. Experts have long called for the spread of these vaccines. Children born from 2017 onwards are to be covered."
PIS government ...
An amazing thing has happened that confirms me in the rightness of praying for Poland. Well, Krzysiek admin of our a week ago he wrote a text on a forum, in which he warns what the celebrations of the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland and the renewal of the act of entrusting Poland to the Queen of Heaven could end up with....
The bitter truth about German camps in Poland.
According to the testimony of a camp participant, it was mainly Christians who were murdered.…
...Rząd korzystając z wakacji, forsuje przepisy, które pozwolą na nieograniczone finansowanie i rozszerzanie listy szczepień obowiązkowych. Finansowanie przejmie znany z niegospodarności i ograniczania prawa do leczenia – NFZ.
Polska będzie jedynym na świecie krajem, gdzie obowiązkowa będzie kontrowersyjna szczepionka
Rządowy projekt ustawy o leczeniu niepłodności ma legalizować wysoce kontrowersyjną metodę wspomaganej prokreacji. Wiele już mówiono o przedmiotowym traktowaniu przez ten projekt dzieci i o realizacji przezeń interesów przemysłu in vitro. Wszystkie te argumenty wystarczą uczciwemu politykowi ...