Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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David Bowie, the Omikron virus, and the game Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

You guys have been sending me screenshots of the action description of the game "Omikron: The Nomad Soul", so I'm going to write something about it.


First of all, the music, the soundtrack to this game was created by David Bowie himself. Of course of the rightful Masonic faith.


Second, the cover of this game ...

Actor Dax Shepard says he doesn't "protect" his 6- and 8-year-old daughters' virginity "If his daughters are horny and want to have sex"

The frontier of demoralization is moving faster than national borders.

Every time I think this is the bottom, it turns out there is another bottom and another bottom.

To think that we have not yet matched the bottom of Noah's time.

The normal person will become increasingly frustrated in this modern ...

Ogólna liczba zgonów w Polsce w 45 tygodniu z podziałem na województwa.

Zadzwoniłem do Urzędu Statystycznego aby mi podano dane dotyczące zgonów. Poprosiłem o dane bez podziału na przyczyny.

Ogólna liczba zgonów w 45 (do 14 listopada) tygodniu bez podawania przyczyny wg Urzędu Statystycznego:



województwo dolnośląskie-668
województwo kujawsko-pomorskie-475
województwo lubelskie-775…

Slovenia: The nurse showed 3 types of stab bottles: one with salt for the initiates and two for the public.


Yesterday a big scandal broke out in Slovenia, and today all of Slovenia is talking about a big vaccination. The head nurse of the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, who is in charge of receiving bottles and resigned, went in front of the cameras and took out bottles of liquids. She showed ...

Gates has been exposed as a media sponsor around the world. He donated $319 million.

The struggle continues.

Masses of people are fighting for the truth to come out and one of them is investigative journalist Alan Macleod, who has released financial data:


Billionaire Bill Gates potajemnie przeznaczył 319 milionów dolarów na wybrane media głównego nurtu na

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