Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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Defendant Facenook for banning being defamation acknowledges to the court that it is only his opinion.

Chrześcijanie nominalni zwykli żyć na kolanach przed systemem a z agresją wobec współwyznawców.

System bestii z kapłanami, system szkolnictwa i gwiazdami estrady oraz kina ugłaskał nas i wyhodował w celu czerpania z nas energii.



Ten system szatana pasożytuje …

The Vatican continues to build Chrislam: "The United Arab Emirates is a leading model of global human solidarity"


The Khazarian Vatican is building the religion of the antichrist.

The Vatican stressed that the UAE is a leading model of global human solidarity and its humanitarian initiatives transcend geographical borders and encourage pioneering examples that promote peaceful coexistence, tolerance and peace around the world.


International protest in Brussels against plandemi lies and medical totalitarianism.

You won't see a headline like this in the media.



"During a demonstration on Sunday by opponents of the government's strategy to combat coronavirus in Brussels, riots broke out. Several buildings and cars were damaged, and police used water cannon. According to police, 50,000 ... took part in the protest.

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