Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Vaccinating children

Scientists' evidence of genocide by juggernauts. The Last Straight - War Against Humanity

In the video below, the doctors themselves speak out.

There is mention of the spike protein, graphene and their impact on the lives of stabbed people.

I think it's important to spread this video wherever you can.



Kliknij na foto powyżej, aby przejść do linku.


I know when people will start falling from the stabbing. In the middle of 2022.

If I were a hoaxer, I would have predicted this as prophecy, visions, clairvoyance and darkness....

Not revealing how I know this, of course.


A year ago, I more or less knew based on my analysis and putting the facts together that, first, a new variant would appear just ...

The cowid terror is yet to come.

Very rarely have I asked or offered to share material from my site. This one is among the exceptions.


Send, share and warn whoever you can: parents, friends, neighbors, shopkeepers because a powerful kowiid terror is coming.






Pfizer is reaching out to infants and children under 5. It wants a juggernaut for them as early as November.

The entire biblical book of Proverbs is a call for wisdom. Unfortunately, the world does not want that wisdom.....


Pfizer's Covid vaccine could be introduced to U.S. six-month-old infants later this winter, according to plans drawn up by the pharmaceutical giant. As part of the move, which ...


We have prepared for you the necessary legal assistance: statements, PSNLiN letter to schools, leaflets of manufacturers of "vaccines" against Covid-19. Consciously control everything that concerns your child. You have full parental authority to protect your child from all forms of unlawful coercion and medical experimentation
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