I wrote long ago about how the beast system creates organizations ostensibly to protect a particular group, but really just develops them.
The name Leviathan alone is enough to be able to tell what its character is.
Leviathan (hebr. לִוְיָתָן, …
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
I wrote long ago about how the beast system creates organizations ostensibly to protect a particular group, but really just develops them.
The name Leviathan alone is enough to be able to tell what its character is.
Leviathan (hebr. לִוְיָתָן, …
A Texas father and licensed gun owner reportedly pursued a "peeping Tom" he spotted, content in front of his 10-year-old daughter's window - before eventually shooting him outside a nearby gas station.
Mąż i żona, o których władze stwierdziły, że są licencjonowanymi ...
“ He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one can buy or sell unless there is a mole, it is ...
Bravo to Dr.
The state, which should obey the law, notoriously violated it, as evidenced by the court decision:
"The Katowice court decided that the owners of the restaurant, who served guests in the premises during the lockdown, did not break the law. The proceedings against them were discontinued. - The court agreed ...
June 29 (Reuters) - U.S. military members who were vaccinated against COVID-19 showed higher than expected rates of heart inflammation.
The study found that 23ech previously healthy men middle aged 25 complained of chest pain w ...
Read while you can still read my blog, because it's only a matter of time when they will block sites like this.
I'm aware that a lot of new people are reading me, and some regular readers don't quite know where this is going.
Of course, everything is discussed ...
Witamy w Neo Sodomie.
W niedzielę 27-letni Kataluna Enriquez, biologiczny mężczyzna, pokonał/a 21 zawodniczek, aby zostać Miss Nevada USA.
Mało tego Enriquez przejdzie teraz do konkursu Miss USA, zaplanowanego na 29 listopada. Po zwycięstwie Enriquez stałby się drugim ...
Prosiliście mnie o źródło informacji o przecieku z UK a więc podaję:
Niestety w języku ENG
Wrealu24 podkreslali, że tak może byc ale nie musi i wszystko będzie jasne 15 lipca.
We'll wait and see.
Nawet jeśli nic nie …
Poza brakiem jakichkolwiek obostrzeń w Albanii bardzo ważny, najważniejszy jest przeciek.
Bardzo źle się zapowiada. Jeśli się to sprawdzi to 15 lipca w UK będzie masakra. Wiezienia, zamykanie wolnościowców.
14 czerwca zostało napisane pismo. Permanentny lockdown 15 lipca.
Wprowadzenie …