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Category: Satan's system
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
The Pope entrusted the Poles to the deceased.
I am curious how Messrs: Krajski, Rola, Gadowski, Sumliński will listen to their Pope. The Pope of the Roman Empire.
The Catholic (universal) Church, is the wide gate to hell.
Entrusting Poland to the dead by a foreign ruler is not only an act of worship of the dead, the cult of death, but also ...
Biden sends c19 sick immigrants to the US in the middle of the night.
For choosing a communist comes the bill.
Charter flights begin in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis overwhelmed local immigration officials i ...
Warning of SO2 poisoning from volcano.
I was sent information containing a warning about sulfur dioxide circulating in a cloud from a volcano on La Palma from Spain.
I don't know how reliable it is, but read it first:
German Scientists - Pathologists - about what's in the jugs. Nano ships.
In the video, PATHOLOGIST SPECIALISTS demonstrate what the stabs on c19 contain.
Strange threads and in each pinch there is something like planes that moved.
Ja nigdy od gier nie byłem uzależniony i dlatego nie znam nazwy tej gry, ale …
A former Turkish general announces a plan to destroy ALL Christians in order to introduce the Islamic Mahdi.
A blogger whose father was a Palestinian terrorist who converted to Christianity has written a detailed report outlining what he claims are Turkey's preparations to create a pan-Islamic military to carry out anti-Christian/anti-Jewish genocide to bring the Mahdi into the Islamic messianic era.
Bloger Walid Shoebat opublikował w …
China tested a supersonic nuclear missile circling the entire earth, and US intelligence knew nothing about it.
U.S. intelligence agencies were taken by surprise when China secretly tested in August low-orbit supersonic missile able to carry a weapon nuclear, reported barely last Saturday Financial Times . The weapon circled the globe before falling on its target.
Successful missile test ...
Epidemiologists are encouraging vaccinated Australians not to "freak out" if they get coronavirus.
This system has indeed made cattle out of people.
“Cow” z angielskiego to bydło. Cow – id. Bydło musi dostać swoje ID…
Bardzo przykro mi jest, kiedy co jakiś czas słyszę, czy czytam wiadomości od Was i dowiaduję się jak Wasi znajomi …
US soldiers warn of martial law and civil war in the US!!!
A very important film that warns of what is coming in the U.S. but will also happen in Poland. It is not clear what form it will take, whether it will be a civil war or World War 3, but since there is going to be one world government and ...
LGBT is not a love organization. A young transgender man raped a 9-year-old girl and her father faces charges.
The photo above is a screen shot from the DailyMail website.
Just a week ago, I wrote about trans inmates who rape women in prison because (without) the law allowing them to house opposite-sex inmates.
Now we have a different situation. Remember basically ...