I don't know who this man is, but he acted in an aggressive manner and let alone whether Christian...
Watch for yourself and only read my comment....
My guess is that it was a WP or WOT soldier.
There's not even ...
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
I don't know who this man is, but he acted in an aggressive manner and let alone whether Christian...
Watch for yourself and only read my comment....
My guess is that it was a WP or WOT soldier.
There's not even ...
I wish people who work at Disney would know that they have sin weighing on them. For:
“6 But whoever becomes the cause of sin for one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck ...
I would like to remind you of the kowikomuna plan that Mike Yeadon revealed, because we are just at the threshold of phase 5, one of the elements of which is Mandatory stabbing for all.
Wiele elementów idzie zgodnie z planem i ktoś mógłby zarzucić to, iż ów plan …
This is just another piece of evidence in the case...
The only strange thing is that it was written about by the mainstream and the leftist wp.pl
I could comment on the image below with a Bible quote, but any believer knows which quote I mean, so just as a warning to others:
To wake others up I will quote the Bible for the second picture:
"Then the serpent said to the woman, 'Surely .
"The ad, featuring the rock anthem "Don't Stop Me Now" by British band Queen, depicts people overcoming various holiday struggles, including bribing the elves in Santa's grotto with ground cookie dough, outwitting a power outage by setting fire to a line of Christmas puddings, and Santa Claus avoiding quarantine, ...
Rock star, Kiss band frontman Gene Simmons said to the unvaccinated: "If you want to walk among us without vaccinations, you are the enemy."
He said this during an appearance on the Rock N Roll Channel's TalkShopLive.
He also added:
"Stay away ...
Propaganda media shows genre scenes consisting of women with children in front of entanglements, but the reality outside of television and images is diametrically opposed.
In the video below, the humbling of the Islamic boy can be seen plainly:
...In no way kids should be used
Yesterday, a - I thought brother - attacked me and another brother because we only quoted the Bible on the refugee issue because we believe, following the Bible, that newcomers should conform to the country they are fleeing to. This already former brother in the faith (slandered ...
There are ongoing disputes between Lukashenko's supporters and opponents about the morality of Lukashenko's exercise of power.
Is the president of Belarus cultivating a regime in his country?
Unquestionably yes, because there is censorship, the government is authoritarian and on top of that he is friends with a communist after KGBR school ...