We are as humanity in the midst of what might be called making sacrifices to Moloch.
These under 1% of humanity in exchange for fame, wealth does not spare even the people of his system.
As I wrote in a recent article Satan wants ...
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
We are as humanity in the midst of what might be called making sacrifices to Moloch.
These under 1% of humanity in exchange for fame, wealth does not spare even the people of his system.
As I wrote in a recent article Satan wants ...
A few days ago I published a list of about a hundred athletes who died a sudden death. Today I present doctors whose deaths are at least also surprising.
According to the American Medical Association (AMA), as many as 96 percent of physicians in the United States since June have been stabbed against ...
An employee of the left-wing onet.pl after the University of Warsaw first rubbished the unvaccinated, calling them shovelers, foilists and sanitizers, and then said that the unvaccinated should be put to death.
...Stankiewicz on unvaccinated people: And can't they be locked up? That would be the easiest way!
I think next year they can all come out.
While Patryk Vega with lobbyist Daniels on an interesting background and with a cool logo on his profile...
Submitted by a reader:
It is a gem among others of the same faith because many have had ...
People are donating to the enemy of Jesus Christ....
The spokesman for the Minister of the Coordinator of Special Services Stanislaw Zharyn informed the media show of a Russian Pride politician (not to be confused with LGBT Pride, as that one is opposed by Vitaliy).
...Currently #OnTheBorder.
Russian politician Vitaly appeared at the Bruzgi border crossing today
They have everything under control.
There was a lot of destruction in Rotterdam yesterday and I didn't know the backstory of the situation yet. Now new facts are coming to light.
I don't know if you remember how during the patriotic marches in Poland especially on November 11 hired to ...
Dr. Ryan Cole - Certified anatomic and clinical pathologist with subspecialty training and 20 years of experience in dermatopathology and a special interest in molecular diagnostics, immunology doctor
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - a physician with extensive experience and knowledge with specializations in allergology and ...
This is not my hypothesis, but the words of an intelligence general.
A small digression. The cost of one order is about one zloty. This is how much the metal is worth.
The most important thing is to have treasures in heaven and not orders.
"In the interview, Budanov stressed that 'the attack ...