This man as of today I still trust and think we should pray for him, especially since he is a believer unashamed of God. Probably a Catholic, but all of us were once on the road....
Dr Rubas w żenująco niskim czasie antenowym …
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
This man as of today I still trust and think we should pray for him, especially since he is a believer unashamed of God. Probably a Catholic, but all of us were once on the road....
Dr Rubas w żenująco niskim czasie antenowym …
During this whole affair, you guys started sending me messages about Novak Djokovic's "imprisonment", but I was reticent to comment on it.
Novak was the top ranked tennis player in the world in 2021 and I think we already know where he got his success from:
Anti-Systems ...
I received this screen shot which is very symbolic from a sociological point of view:
The average person associates Italy with the Mafia, the Vatican and good food and .... liars.
In the Bible it is written about the Cretans as follows:
9 And in those days men will seek death, but will not find it, and will want to die, but death will flee from them. Rev 9.
Newly translated video:
It is not conspirators and "foilers" who are banned, but prominent doctors, which shows that we are just before 1939. Just before Hitler comes to power. Humanity gets a one in history lessons. Complete ignorance and lack of wisdom.
Oni właśnie to …
Extremely interesting interview in which a doctor going against the grain of the Rockefeller system of medicine explains the impossibility of isolating the usa virus, so the subsequent variants are just plain LIErty.
The truth must be sought. The truth is right at your fingertips, but truth is like mushrooms: you have to move and search a bit.
He who is lazy will not have mushrooms.
Jak przekazał w …
Canada is one of those countries that is building the New Luciferian Order (NPL). From now on, I will use this acronym, which I came up with raptly today, more often. NWO does not convey the meaning of what is happening. A mass of people unborn of the Spirit of God are using ...
"About 40,000 people gathered Saturday afternoon in downtown Vienna to once again protest the state's actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, police reported."
Such a number cannot be said to be marginal....