Alexa, Amazon's virtual assistant, last weekend had a 10-year-old girl touch herself to a live plug.
The suggestion was made via the Echo smart speaker after the girl asked Alexa for a "to-do challenge."
Alexa replied:
"Connect the charger ...
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
Alexa, Amazon's virtual assistant, last weekend had a 10-year-old girl touch herself to a live plug.
The suggestion was made via the Echo smart speaker after the girl asked Alexa for a "to-do challenge."
Alexa replied:
"Connect the charger ...
W świecie kłamstwa prawda jest jak światło rozświetlające ciemność, a więc ciemność unika światła.
Piszę dlatego, że coraz więcej osób skarży się na to, że moje newsy się im nie pokazują…
To jest także dobra okazja aby …
This is not a conspiracy theory. These are facts.
Even Hitler was preparing for war, so I don't know why Putin shouldn't.
The news is from December 22 this year, which is a week ago....
"'During ...
Another frontier in taking away people's freedom is being pushed.
Portugalskie służby wojskowe będą wyłapywać potencjalnie zakażonych. Wszystko zgodnie z zasadą małych kroczków…
Na tym etapie wojsko będzie tylko i aż WYŁAPYWAĆ Portugalczyków i informować ich o potencjalnym zagrożeniu, ale …,2b83378a
Out of probably hundreds of photos of the actress, the one above was chosen.
So we are introduced not only to the faith of Betty White, a little-known but very senior actress, but also to the revealing of
The year 2022 as several times before ...
A professor studying the bodies of stabbed people said he found evidence of immune autoimmunity in 90% cases by attacking the killer lymphocytes on their own tissues.
The most important targets of attack were the heart, followed by the lungs.
Dr w sposób empatyczny i emocjonalny tłumaczy …
I commissioned the translation of very valuable material so that Poles would know who the world is dealing with.
Note: This video is for readers of my blog only.
What it means. It is not publicly available and ...
I found this meme on the Internet, which I converted to Polish conditions quoting definitions from the Polish Language Dictionary.
Masks, distancing, and vaccination have already become a religious practice and as much a rite as possible.
On the old channel, I recorded an episode in which I discussed ...
Maybe I should point out at the outset that I am not against either Israelis or Catholics. I am against Zionism and Catholicism and anti-Polonism.
Kobieta która emigrowała do Izraela relacjonuje o tym jak było i jest naprawdę w Izraelu podczas obostrzeń i w czasie …
I have consistently said that the most important element in the fight against the Khazar subculture is the rejection of their culture.
Poles who feel to be patriots should stop supporting their culture and in this case the culture of not only satanic music but also the culture of segregation.
Fostering a culture of exclusion is ...