The meter has started to beat. I think the war could start this weekend. Why do I think that?
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated, "We are at a point where Russia can launch an attack on Ukraine at any time."
What it depends on ...
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
The meter has started to beat. I think the war could start this weekend. Why do I think that?
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated, "We are at a point where Russia can launch an attack on Ukraine at any time."
What it depends on ...
Francuzi zrobili to, co wszyscy powinni zrobić już dawno temu i to przed plandemią.
TV mainstreamowa jest synonimem kłamstwa i kłamców trzeba piętnować.
Może po tego typu akcjach niebawem wstyd będzie być dziennikarzem.
Profesor Christian Perronne, który co do zasady zawsze popierał szczepienia mówi o skorumpowanej służbie zdrowia, mediach, które dostają miliony euro by kłamać.
Napisał dwie książki o pandemii i inicjował bezskutecznie debaty, ale zaczęto przyklejać mu łatkę spiskowca.
Tak, to …
Runek pracy będzie się kurczył dla nieszczepionych a to dlatego, że ludzie kiedyś (konkretnie po 2 wojnie światowej) uwierzyli, że rządy w ich kraju są rządami ich narodu, ale to są rządy chazarsko-edomickie, a więc okupacyjne.
W Kanadzie …
The madness is just beginning. They will be culling pigs, hamsters and probably soon cats and dogs.
Satan and his people are psychopaths.
Hong Kong plans to kill about 2,000 hamsters and other small mammals in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Variant outbreak
For virtual sex - remote sex - VR glasses are not enough. These can only allow you to see the object of love. I did not make a mistake in writing the object, because the subject a person will then cease to be.
Therefore, a vest was created that allows the user to feel ...
This world is becoming life threatening. Especially for children.
Lehmann has been a member of the Bundestag from the Green Party since 2017. From 2018 to 2021, he was the spokesperson on queer and social policy for the parliamentary group of the party.
If w ...
Do you remember last week when I posted the zombie video I commissioned to translate?
I was teetering on the edge of my seat as to whether I was following the right lead, but this Netflix movie and more reinforces my belief that the stabbing finale will be exactly ...
I'll start by pointing out that just as my viral condition went away on Friday after your prayers, I've had a notorious bronchial cough since the weekend and have been slowing down a bit on the blog and beyond. Additionally, over the weekend a certain unpleasant situation weakened ...
The nurse spoke at the NHCS Board of Ordinary Directors, sharing her testimony on c19, immunizations and treatment.
Morgan Wallace, a former ICU nurse who resigned because of a vaccination order related to COVID-19, spoke at a county school board meeting ...