Category: Satan's system
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
Anti-Polish Stuhr earned tens of thousands of zlotys for hosting the gala of the 2021 Varsovian Woman of the Year competition
We Bible believers cannot envy anyone's money, so what I am going to write is an assessment from the point of view of a citizen and a journalist at the same time because it is with taxpayer money.
Personally, I don't even care how much Rydzyk earns, because people themselves offer ...
A Ukrainian soldier dances to the beat of a Michael Jackson song. The video is making waves, and the AU army is building PR.
It is not clear how to treat such a show, whether as a provocation or mere PR?
After all, the Russian side may judge this video released probably with the permission of the Ukrainian army as a demonstration of mockery of the enemy that is Russia....
Just this morning I wrote about ...
War News 18.02.2022 Ukranians "garage sale". Why does it have to be bad?
- What we are dealing with now is psychological warfare Valery Gerasimov, who has stood by Vladimir Putin's side as head of the Russian armed forces since 2012, described a war doctrine that relies on creating anxiety in enemy society rather than overt action
Physician "The Vatican is complicit in vaccine deaths."
Recall some of the Vatican's satano appeals:
Pope acting for kill-vaccine lobby and pope as tube of medical corporations putting Catholics to death
In calculating professional groups there are sometimes honorable people and such is physician Dr. Peter McCullough internist, cardiologist and ...
Mary begins to observe the Sabbath.....
Unbelievable and bizarre and yet true.
Jak widać na załączonym obrazku Maryja wchodzi w szabat. Ale tylko na pięć sobót…. od penta-gramu
The Catholic website reports:
...At least you try to bring me joy and announce
Is the 5G network killing animals and wildlife?
I have posted news stories about mysterious bird deaths several times before.
150-stronicowy raport, opracowany przez naukowców z University of Washington i Johns Hopkins University, zawiera trzy sekcje, z których pierwsza dotyczy tego, jak emf otoczenia (częstotliwości elektromagnetyczne) gwałtownie wzrosły w ostatnich …
People formed a cordon to defend the tracers from arrest.
A beautiful view of brotherhood and love towards people of action, and opposing evil.
How many nominal Christians attack their own. As a long-time blogger, all I can say about such is that they spit in their own nest of embarrassment. May God make their paths straight.
Natomiast co …
War News 16.02.
- Rosja nie weźmie udziału w specjalnym posiedzeniu OBWE w sprawie ćwiczeń na terytorium Białorusi – powiedział szef delegacji Gawriłow.
Wycofywanie się jest najbardziej niebezpiecznym momentem w konflikcie ukraińskim.
- Stan wyjątkowy będzie w Polsce jeśli wybuchnie konflikt na Ukrainie. Zdaniem wicemarszałka
Mason wrote an offer letter to a tracer in Canada.
Ufam, że list ten jest prawdziwy.
Jednak nie podzielam entuzjazmu trakersa. Owszem coś robić trzeba i nagłaśniać kłamstwa co wszak sam czynię.
Jednak język tego trakera nie wskazuje wiary w Jezusa, a JEDYNYM wyzwolicielem z tego utrapienia jest właśnie nasz …