Category: Satan's system
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
Niechaj występni odejdą precz do Szeolu, wszystkie narody, co zapomniały o Bogu.
Naiwni chrześcijanie pozbawienie kompasu Bożego zostali wciągnięci w grę “dobrego i złego”, która jest serwowana niemal w każdym filmie sensacyjnym.
Krótki opis filmów.
W “Wejściu Smoka” Bruce Lee przedostaje się na wyspę celem zniszczenia fabryki narkotyków prowadzonej przez Hana.
Pozornie …
Hipotetyczny rozwój sytuacji na najbliższy rok
Siostra w wierze nakreśliła mi na podstawie swojej wiedzy możliwy plan elit satanistycznych na najbliższe miesiące:
Klaus Schwab: “Nastąpi globalny cybernetyczny atak, przy którym c-1-9 będzie drobnym zakłóceniem.
Zleciłem przetłumaczenie krótkiego filmiku o bardzo ważnym przesłaniu.
Te słowa padły z ust kapłana satanistów chazarskich samego Klausa Schwaba:
Akurat komu jak komu, ale Klausowi Schwabowi należy wiedzieć, gdyż wiele słów jakie wypowiedział się spełniły a inne …
Hasidic Jews have been fleeing NY to the mountains for several days. They believe that a bomb will fall on NY.
I told you in the video on Friday that I had info about people fleeing NY.
The video below confirms this:
(need to turn on PL translation)
The author reminds us that during 9/11 as there was an attack on the WTC the Khazars took time off....
The next installment of totalitarianism, or war as the BIS covariate.
First it was banned to criticize the pandemic. Now it is threatened to criticize the actions of the situation around Ukraine.
After all, it has been known for a long time that Putin is sucking his people dry just as the Khazars did Ukraine. However, the time has come that nothing bad must be said about the next level of building ...
Who does the pro-American PIS government along with Biden want to install for us?
Maciej Maciak of CW24 was a Cowidian at first, but after some time I think he got over it.
He is not a Christian and so you need to be able to choose from that channel.
On the other hand, he is a good journalist who often shows the reality w ...
It's been 30 days of being banned on fey.
I'm amazed that a significant number of fans, after my ban, didn't bother to look at the blog to verify that I was still writing.
Ban minął, ale komu – ni styczny fejs dał mi jeszcze jedną karę: POSTY BĘDĄ …
NATO says that if one member is attacked by Cyber attacks, Article 5 applies.
A cyber attack on one of the NATO countries results in the triggering of Article 5 which means war against the country that made such an attack.
The parties agree that an armed attack on one or more of them in Europe ...
In Kiev, they issue weapons to anyone who wants them.
Like potatoes from a car a gun is issued.
A Slav will murder a Slav. An Orthodox of an Orthodox only because Khazaria has manipulated both sides.
The land will remain free for Khazaria after the war.