I sometimes come across such a statement in comments. Everyone seems to be a believer, but somehow they wish they were.
What was Jesus Christ like?
According to prophecy:
"Zeal for Thy house will consume Me."(Ps 69:10)
John 3
I sometimes come across such a statement in comments. Everyone seems to be a believer, but somehow they wish they were.
What was Jesus Christ like?
According to prophecy:
"Zeal for Thy house will consume Me."(Ps 69:10)
John 3
It is very easy to talk and write about faith. It is even easier to worship God to the rhythm of nice music. But the hardest thing is to believe God in extreme situations.
Let's say your one-year-old child has a 40st fever. panic sets in, you want to go to the emergency room. ...
There is no other option. You are either of the Spirit of God or in bondage to the Evil One.
There comes a time when:
...Mt 24.24
"For false anointed ones and false prophets will be raised up and will give great signs and wonders so that roll out
A very edifying testimony from a Bible-believing Christian.
He uttered very significant words: "many people concert their attention on the situation rather than on God."
Great sentence.
Chwała Bogu Ojcu naszemu Tatusiowi!!…
The problem with introverts and self-centered people:
I think Washer's speech complements our views of the world.
Yesterday Magda (april), said how the family moved away from them and it was only for their faith. This is how I reflect, on our attitudes towards those around us. This is the cross we must ...
Reader Hubert wrote.
Getting Up.
Yes,I get up.And the only thing I feel at the beginning of the day is sadness,because I don't even know if I failed God yesterday or not.I feel an uneasy conscience.Sadness because I couldn't spend time on the Bible.Sadness because I am trapped in my own body.
But nothing.I get up,get ready,talk ...
Thomas' testimony:
“Jeszcze dwa lata temu byłem alkoholikiem, jeszcze dwa lata temu codziennie biłem żonę, wstawałem rano i ty jak wstajesz codziennie rano i robisz kanapki, ja codziennie waliłem głową żony o szafkę. Jak żona trafiła do szpitala, chciałem ją …
At first, the respondent has no answer to the question asked, as if nothing bothers him.
- Why?
- Well, in general
– No co, woda najczęsciej, ziemia woda coś takiego nie. Halucynacja, hemoglobina, dwutlenek węgla, taka sytuacja nie. Najczęsciej …
Wiele osób rośnie z powodu swego STANU POSIADANIA. Czasem jak spoglądam na niektóre osoby, to tak jakbym widział drona uniesionego nieco nad ziemią. Moje auto, mój dom, moje wykształcenie.
W księdze Koheleta mamy napisane:
2 Marność nad marnościami, …