“(9) Chciałbym słuchać tego, co mówi Pan Bóg: oto ogłasza pokój ludowi swemu i świętym swoim; niech się nie stają znów nierozsądni. ” Psalm 85.
Szabat ma wiele pozytywnych dla duszy cech. Jedną z nich jest wyciszenie dzięki …
“(9) Chciałbym słuchać tego, co mówi Pan Bóg: oto ogłasza pokój ludowi swemu i świętym swoim; niech się nie stają znów nierozsądni. ” Psalm 85.
Szabat ma wiele pozytywnych dla duszy cech. Jedną z nich jest wyciszenie dzięki …
Korzystając z okazji, że pewien człowiek zarzucił mi, że mówiłem iż wojna będzie 9 maja i zrezygnowany wypomniał mi, że tej wojny jednak nie było pragnę skrobnąć kilka słów do innych.
Hejterów mógłbym podzielić na kilka różnych typów. Może to …
I wanted to so spontaneously thank all those who appreciate what I do. Thank you to those who write to tell me that they are growing in their faith or realizing if there is this system because of my writings. I may have never even written about it this way. ...
I had a dream a few days ago. I dreamed of a snake or a viper. I don't remember exactly. I unwisely touched or squeezed this viper and then a second viper came out of it.
I thought it was an ordinary dream, and I don't often have dreams from God, but .
I received this photo from several people oto....
Cool pictures with the words Jesus this, Jesus that, posted on social media authorize the author, but Jesus has not one name.
An iconic scene from the movie Enter the Dragon:
Ohara before ...
Below I am posting a video I took recently.
You have to set your voice to the max.
I apologize for the quiet voice of my caller, but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable and also there were cars nearby on a fairly busy road.
I have some plans ...
I've been watching some non-Christian channels lately because there is some reliable amateur journalism out there. What caught my attention were the comments under the videos. There is unity. It made me sad because there is no unity in supposedly biblical online Christianity. There are attacks on people fighting for the truth. No ...
When a few weeks ago I saw news from Australia with a strange creature on the beach as above I thought it was a fake, designed to make the man who found it famous. In the internet there are many surprising "discoveries" like the woman with horns, o ...