As my old readers know I have been betting for a long time that a war will break out. Now, I don't want to prove and present arguments, because one, I've already done it, and two, the mainstream itself writes about it as for example in the news a moment ago:...
We humans play many roles on a daily basis, from the role of believer, to student, parent, teacher, son/daughter, employee, employer, brother/sister, etc.
However, it is often the case that we live in notorious anxiety caused by our inability to meet the demands of our environment depending on ...
I love the Bible because even if I read it for the hundredth time, I always discover something...Something excites me, something intrigues or interests me, or something I identify with.
Here's the situation. The Israelites have come out of Egypt, they are about to pass through ...
Recently I started thinking about a video I made about Disney. I thought to myself "for what purpose do they sexualize children?". After all, intercourse is natural, so it seems logical to ask the question; what purpose are Disney cartoons and probably from other stables ...
Let me preface this by saying that I've decided to occasionally make videos and write lyrics in parallel, and that's where I'm starting.
One of the reasons I do this is that many readers, due to a small amount of time, prefer to listen rather than read. for example, on the way ...
As we know from the Bible, each of us will be given a new name, which we will get on a white pebble. To everyone who wins God will give a new name....
Jesus Christ - to the victor I will give a white pebble, and on the pebble a new name written.
But for now ...
Jestem z tego pokolenia, które było zafascynowane tym aktorem i mistrzem sztuk walki.
Ktoś zapyta: co Bruce Lee robi na blogu Chrystusowców?
Prawda jest taka, że w zborach często się nie uczy praktycznego zastosowania zasad biblijnych, a dzisiaj chciałem pomóc …
Diabeł rzekł do Niego: “Jeżeli jesteś Synem Bożym, spraw , aby ten kamień stał się chlebem”. (Łuk. 4: 3).
Tożsamość można tworzyć na jeden z dwóch sposobów: osiągasz to sam lub otrzymujesz od Boga.
Kiedy sam osiągniesz swoją …