Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Protestantism


Uświęcanie  TYLKO  jednego narodu przez człowieka o tak wyeksponowanym stanowisku w ogólnie rozumianym chrześcijaństwie   jest karygodne i niedopuszczalne.

Wszyscy widzimy jak bardzo system mediów i polityki wstrzykuje od dawien dawna grzech w życie ludzi, przekonaliśmy się jak kłamali podczas PLANdemii, …

Zelenski bans all opposition parties in Ukraine and the West keeps quiet.

The lie has been staggering.


On the night of Saturday and Sunday 19/20, the President of Ukraine announced the closure of 11 opposition parties in Ukraine.

It's as if there was no case, because  total silence of western political and journalistic circles, NGOs defending "democratic values" prevailed ...

Programming people with resettlement of Ukrainians.

I thought the topic was so important that I would transcribe the video as per the title. Rumble over time may throw me off as well. Note that he has two triangles in his logo.



Whoever has power over TV stations creates reality, ...

Zelenski: "We will not forgive hundreds of victims and thousands of sufferings; neither will God."

Just a reminder that I'm banned again on chazarbook.


Another Zelenskian reference to God.


Another time, earlier this comedian said:




Let's not delude ourselves, or perhaps to naive Christians I'll write: don't delude yourselves, Zelenski is playing the role of good cop ...

Infoholism warfare and the two faces of religionists.

Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.


You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.

However, having ...

Tylko 51% amerykańskich ewangelików uważa, że ​​Żydzi są „nadal wybranym narodem Boga”

 Według niedawno opublikowanego sondażu, około 51% ewangelicznych protestantów w Stanach Zjednoczonych twierdzi, że wierzy, iż Żydzi są narodem wybranym przez Boga. 

Wyniki badań  „The Jewish Connection: Evangelicals and Israel” zostały ogłoszone w tym tygodniu przez Infinity Concepts, agencję komunikacyjną opartą ...

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