"A hellish multi-day heatwave is not letting up in the Middle East. Maximum temperature for many weeks continues to oscillate between 40-50 degrees C., and in recent days in places began to exceed again 50 degrees C. Mighty heat prevails especially in Iraq, Kuwait and ...
Category: Prophecies
Abraham, Melchizedek and Sodom symbolize these times.
I purchased another Bible translation for myself and you know how it is - a new discovery each time.
However, this unveiling of the truth is unique in that I would not have been able to come up with it 3-5 years ago due to the nature of the current times.
W ...
The biblical beast is burning the harlot. It has happened - churches are burning in Canada.
Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes.
The biblical beast of sy...m hitherto ridden by the harlot begins to burn her:
(15) And he said to me: The waters which thou sawest, where the Harlot hath her seat, these are peoples and multitudes, nations and tongues. ...
Prophecy for the near future: Three Tests to sift believers.
A brother in the faith sent me this prophecy a few days ago.
I called it as in the title, Three Tests for Sifting Believers.
These are three idols. One is already passing.
Prophecy is being fulfilled. Rabbi "Israel will replace America as the world's next 'superpower,' and Jews must 'embrace their destiny.
” (11) Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth: it had two horns like the horns of the Lamb, and it spoke like the Dragon. (12) She exercises all the power of the first Beast before her and causes the earth and all its inhabitants to worship the first ...
Nuremberg 2.0
Jesus lets us know that it's not over yet?
I received the following email from a blog reader:
Catholic Muslim two nephews.
The president of a Catholic country and a Catholic electorate signed an agreement with the president of a thoroughly Islamic country to purchase $270 million worth of drones.
Not only that, Turkey will deploy its fighter jets in Poland:
- Turkey as part of NATO's mission in the Sea Region ...