Category: God's law
Świadectwo z niebieskim paskiem.
Kilka dni temu widziałem u dwóch moich znajomych na profilu świadectwo z ocenami z dobrych cech i chyba jakimś tekstem, artykułem. Nie wchodziłem na link, ale domyślam się, że w podobnym tonie mogło to być napisane.
Jednakże kilka tygodni temu …
Biblijny rozwód, separacja, małżeństwo chrześcijańskie, mieszane. 1 Koryntian 7 cz2.
Nadchodzi Prawdziwy Nowy Porządek Świata Jezusa Chrystusa.
” (11) Potem ujrzałem niebo otwarte: i oto – biały koń, a Ten, co na nim siedzi, zwany Wiernym i Prawdziwym, oto ze sprawiedliwością sądzi i walczy. (12) Oczy Jego jak płomień ognia, a wiele diademów na Jego głowie. Ma ...
1 Corinthians chapter 3.
Divisions in churches.
Teaching Accountability.
About half of those attacking me were people of Khazar origin.
Carnality is not just about debauchery or smoking cigarettes, for example, but about disputes within churches and attacking group leaders.
German expert "we are facing the greatest famine in human history".
The prediction of Matthias Berninger, who was State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and now heads the "Public and Sustainable Development" department at Bayer AG, is drastic to say the least. He states:
..."In 2023 we will experience one of the greatest famines in human history"
God's law vs. foreign invasion. This is not what the pastors will tell the system.
A while ago, I received a quote from my brother that fits in EXACTLY with the current situation.
Deuteronomy 28:43-48: "The foreigner who is among you will rise greatly above you, and you will stoop very low. He will lend to you, and you will not lend to him ...
The most important holiday for biblical believers. Passover or Easter?
I approached this text like a dog to a hedgehog.
For most Catholics, Easter is an occasion for bellyaching and drinking. Those experiencing Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection are marginal. Anyway, according to statistics, practicing Catholics are about 20%.
Accordingly, ...
Glory to God the Father, but not to any nation.
He who makes an idol of a nation has no part in salvation, for
"Salvation, glory, honor and power to the Lord our God. Rev.19
Giving "Fame" to others or promoting, any musing on a nation exalting its own is idolatry and ...
Conspiracies make no sense and make you a loser.
Interesting title from the pen of a man who documents conspiracies right?
However, those who have been reading me for a long time know very well that my motto developed over the years is this:
"knowledge does not save"
Knowledge alone can knock you into hubris, cause you to ...