Papież jak każdy pokrętny człowiek i zwodziciel balansuje subtelnie na granicy prawdy i fałszu.
Papież Franciszek powiedział w piątek, że rozważana jest możliwość wprowadzenia “grzechu ekologicznego” do Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego. Jak przypomniał, taka propozycja pojawiła się w czasie niedawnego …
Perhaps I should write this before November 11, but the thought came to me yesterday.
I consider critical The message of this text that I am writing now, today, Tuesday.
Yesterday's coverage of the 2019 Independence March was of little consequence in the context of what I will write....
Polacy obudźcie się. Nie idźcie na ten bałwochwalczy marsz niepodległości 2019, który jest promocją tzw matki boskiej i nie ma nic wspólnego ani z Bogiem ani z patriotyzmem.
W filmie manipuluje się ludźmi utożsamiając Matkę Boską (Królowa Niebios) z …
It used to be that was such a platform for asking questions and on that forum there was also a blogging community. But now the forum is not working and that is why I will answer the title question for the beginning believers here.
I am actually writing this text for one person. ...
According to the Buisness Insider website, receipts cause many diseases.
Dr. Aleksandra Rutkowska of the Medical University of Gdansk said Monday that bisphenol A (BPA) is present in receipts, which can pose a real health risk to employees of retail chains. "Solidarity" announced ...
Israeli company Global City is building Europe's largest water park in Mszczonów.
It is interesting that such a large investment is being built by an Israeli company under the PIS government.
Some see it as an investment in Polin.
People disgusted by this news ...
Conversion in the Polish reality has it that we enter into ready-made templates for interpreting the Bible and so we imbibe the denomination or that first website or YT video where we are given the doctrines. As a starting point it is quite good ...