Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


In Paris, an order to wear masks because of Omicron. Covimission.



France is a very godless country and additionally open to Islamists, so the restrictions are greater, although what is in Austria, France or Canada is only a matter of time before it comes to Poland.


Lier-stwo (lie- lie) will be on ...

The IMF website has a plan to stab all Poles by 2023.

We know more from the website of the Khazarian IMF than from the supposedly Polish government websites, but we have known for a long time that governments since 1945 have been nothing but puppets of organizations like the IMF.


Poignant information is posted on this organization's website ...

In Portugal, the military will help search for potentially infected people.


Another frontier in taking away people's freedom is being pushed.

Portugalskie służby wojskowe będą wyłapywać potencjalnie zakażonych. Wszystko zgodnie z zasadą małych kroczków…


Na tym etapie wojsko będzie tylko i aż  WYŁAPYWAĆ Portugalczyków i informować ich o potencjalnym zagrożeniu, ale …

New Year's Eve tickets with two for vaccinated and unvaccinated.

I have consistently said that the most important element in the fight against the Khazar subculture is the rejection of their culture.


Poles who feel to be patriots should stop supporting their culture and in this case the culture of not only satanic music but also the culture of segregation.

Fostering a culture of exclusion is ...

Something worse than the Sanhedrin is being set up: a ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ORDER TO PROKE.

People are too busy with themselves to notice their shackles and the fact that they live in a PRISON PLANET.

By the way, I recommend the site

Sometimes I get tired of letting people know what's going on in the world because I feel like I'm constantly writing for the same ones that ...

Electronics -chip- in the body will confirm if you are vaccinated. The ridiculed theories are no longer conspiracy theories.




Even the systems portals are noting that the connection between the electronic chip in the body and vaccines is no longer in the department as the Khazarian media calls it for shurikens and foils.

But who would remember the derision that the vaccine would contain ...

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