Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


Macron threatens unvaccinated to harass them to the point of "he wants to piss off the unvaccinated. We will do it to the very end."

This Jesuit alum is as confident as Lucifer.



Macron admitted outright in his shoe last night in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper addressing the 5 million French unvaccinated against COVID-19 that he would "piss them off" as part of a strategy ...

Microtechnology in the jug of the company "fajze". Patents proving advanced technology.

For obvious reasons I will not use the name of the company, which is so polonized that everyone will guess it and the jug is also known what.


W poniższym filmiku jest pokazane co po odparowaniu hydrożelu znajduje się w wiadomo czym. Powiększenie 400-1400X …

"Crowds" on New Year's Eve with Polsat prove the effectiveness of the boycott.


Maybe 1200-300 people in front of the stage, and an almost completely empty room in the back.

This is how medical segregation ends:


Co jest w tym jeszcze śmieszne i jakże wymowne wokalistka Olivia Adams powiedziała po koncercie, że “była przeszczęśliwa widząc …

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