The meter has started to beat. I think the war could start this weekend. Why do I think that?
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated, "We are at a point where Russia can launch an attack on Ukraine at any time."
What it depends on ...
The meter has started to beat. I think the war could start this weekend. Why do I think that?
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated, "We are at a point where Russia can launch an attack on Ukraine at any time."
What it depends on ...
Profesor Christian Perronne, który co do zasady zawsze popierał szczepienia mówi o skorumpowanej służbie zdrowia, mediach, które dostają miliony euro by kłamać.
Napisał dwie książki o pandemii i inicjował bezskutecznie debaty, ale zaczęto przyklejać mu łatkę spiskowca.
Tak, to …
Runek pracy będzie się kurczył dla nieszczepionych a to dlatego, że ludzie kiedyś (konkretnie po 2 wojnie światowej) uwierzyli, że rządy w ich kraju są rządami ich narodu, ale to są rządy chazarsko-edomickie, a więc okupacyjne.
W Kanadzie …
The madness is just beginning. They will be culling pigs, hamsters and probably soon cats and dogs.
Satan and his people are psychopaths.
Hong Kong plans to kill about 2,000 hamsters and other small mammals in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Variant outbreak
I'll start by pointing out that just as my viral condition went away on Friday after your prayers, I've had a notorious bronchial cough since the weekend and have been slowing down a bit on the blog and beyond. Additionally, over the weekend a certain unpleasant situation weakened ...
The nurse spoke at the NHCS Board of Ordinary Directors, sharing her testimony on c19, immunizations and treatment.
Morgan Wallace, a former ICU nurse who resigned because of a vaccination order related to COVID-19, spoke at a county school board meeting ...
A very important video I present today. It is an interview with a former Luciferian.
As the author of the interview says, most people do not know what Luciferian doctrines are all about or that some unknowingly promote and practice them.
The doctrines of Satanism are true.
Own ...
The Washington Examiner reported , że dzieci ze szkoły podstawowej Jane Addams w Moline w stanie Illinois są zapraszane do uczęszczania do „poszkolnego klubu Szatana” w pięciu różnych terminach w trakcie wiosennego semestru, zgodnie z ulotką reklamującą klub, która …
Today I saw in Kielce County a sign like the one below, which I took a photo of:
I saw about five such placards for about 5km....
To dosyć gęsto. Gdybym nie wiedział co się dzieje na świecie, to najprawdopodobniej lekko bym się wystraszył myśląc …
The US is becoming a fascist country along the lines of Canada.
Justice Department creates specialized unit to deal with domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday, describing "heightened" threat from violent extremists in the United States....