Category: Polityczny Teatr
International protest in Brussels against plandemi lies and medical totalitarianism.
You won't see a headline like this in the media.
"During a demonstration on Sunday by opponents of the government's strategy to combat coronavirus in Brussels, riots broke out. Several buildings and cars were damaged, and police used water cannon. According to police, 50,000 ... took part in the protest.
War News 24.01.2022.
The Rothschilds have already decided what is to come:
*American and Japanese naval air forces crossing the Philippine Sea on January 22. 2 American aircraft carriers, the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Carl Vinson.
20 Russian ships sailed to the Baltic Sea as part of exercises…
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me." But how about Mary or religion?
" I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. (7) If ye have known Me and My Father ye have known Him; and henceforth ye know Him and see Him. " John 14.
ONLY through Jesus can ...
War news 23.01.2022
- Two warships were captured by the Norwegian coast guard in northern Norway. The ships were heading to the Murmansk area.
- Another American plane has arrived in Ukraine with 80 tons of military equipment. This is the second plane to arrive in a week.
39 Chinese fighters flew into
Fac ebook blocks the sharing of my messages.
Not only has it been cutting my range like YT for months, but now Fa ce book is blocking my message sharing.
You are complaining to me that this message is appearing on my profile:
This site has repeatedly provided false information.
Some posts
Research brother on the role of anti-vaccine movements.
Poniżej umieszczam mail do mnie z prywatną analizą ruchów antyszczepionkowych Macieja. Kawał poszukiwań wykonał nasz brat. Myślę, że takich demaskacji o ruchach new age w kwestii Nowego Porządku nie znajdziecie poza moimi i teraz Maćka poszukiwaniami, co oznacza, że skala …
US fuels conflict by authorizing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to send arms to Ukraine worth
The U.S. State Department rhetorically added gasoline to the fire by authorizing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to send U.S. weapons to Ukraine by wover 200 million.
The weapons will arrive in Ukraine within a few days.
Takie działanie jest dowodem na demoniczność …
Ukraine our "ally" blocks rail transit to Poland.
Gdyby Rosja napadła na Ukrainę, Polska zapewne z racji poddaństwa światowemu tyranowi militarnemu musiałby bronić Ukrainy, która z kolei już teraz robi nam pod górkę…
Andrzej Olszewski, członek zarządu PKP SA poinformował na konferencji prasowej, że od 30 …
Pfizer's CEO got directives directly from the Catholic Pope.
Jestem ciekaw co na to panowie: Gadowski, Marcin Rola, maryjny prezydent Siemianowic Rafał Piech i wielu innych Rzymian.
Ja nie jestem za półprawdami, a to robi antysystem katolicki: przedstawia półprawdy.
Oczywiście taka informacja zostanie przemilczana, a katolicy sterowani …