Most governments in the world are increasingly showing that they are in total opposition to their citizens. Governments are becoming enemies of the people who elected them, and they elected them out of their own stupidity, attacking even more deeply because of their departure from God which results in bad choices......
Category: Polityczny Teatr
Anti-Polish Stuhr earned tens of thousands of zlotys for hosting the gala of the 2021 Varsovian Woman of the Year competition
We Bible believers cannot envy anyone's money, so what I am going to write is an assessment from the point of view of a citizen and a journalist at the same time because it is with taxpayer money.
Personally, I don't even care how much Rydzyk earns, because people themselves offer ...
War News 18.02.2022 Ukranians "garage sale". Why does it have to be bad?
- What we are dealing with now is psychological warfare Valery Gerasimov, who has stood by Vladimir Putin's side as head of the Russian armed forces since 2012, described a war doctrine that relies on creating anxiety in enemy society rather than overt action
Physician "The Vatican is complicit in vaccine deaths."
Recall some of the Vatican's satano appeals:
Pope acting for kill-vaccine lobby and pope as tube of medical corporations putting Catholics to death
In calculating professional groups there are sometimes honorable people and such is physician Dr. Peter McCullough internist, cardiologist and ...
There are still police officers with a conscience, and it's in Canada. Ottawa's police chief suddenly resigned.
Kiedy Królewska Kanadyjska Policja Konna i Policja Prowincji Ontario ściśle współpracują z lokalnymi siłami, aby odpowiedzieć na protest przeciwko mandatom przeciwko COVID, który nadal paraliżuje centrum śródmieścia, szef policji w Ottawie nagle zrezygnował we wtorek.
Diane Deans, przewodnicząca zarządu …
Not the end game. The Russian Parliament approves a draft for official recognition of the People's Republic of Donetsk and the People's Republic of Lugansk.
Duma Państwowa Rosji zatwierdza projekt oficjalnego uznania Ludowej Republiki Doniecka i Ludowej Republiki Ługańskiej. Musi zostać ratyfikowany przez prezydenta Putina.
Minister spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy powiedział, że Kijów uzna uznanie przez Moskwę samozwańczych republik Donbasu za wycofanie się Rosji ...
Does anyone still have doubts about what plandemic is? Macron police beat and Canada blocks protesters' accounts.
It is enough to look at the videos from Canada, France, Belgium to realize that we are dealing with a total war of Khazar power against the citizens.
An example from France:
For not agreeing to medical segregation heavy equipment against the public.
That's how ...
War News 14.02.2022.
3. Cztery amerykańskie bombowce B-52H Stratofortress, zdolne do przenoszenia broni atomowej, wylądowały wczoraj w Wielkiej
Why are more and more restrictions being lifted? Podcast.
Today's podcast about why they're lifting restrictions.
War News09.02.2022.
1. Russia's new "superpower" weapon is revealed
Russia is deploying its strategic nuclear forces at more than a dozen bases across its territory. Burevestnik (SSC-X-9 Skyfall) nuclear propulsion missile with "unlimited range...
2 Putin warns that the world is going down a path that ...