Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


During the financial crisis of 1720, the British Parliament debated a resolution that bankers be sewn up in snakeskin sacks and thrown into the Thames

I am not urging violence, but want to show how humanity has lost its instinct for self-preservation.

On the one hand, some nations sanctified by the media and the U.S. murder their own and handle prisoners of war in a brutal manner, and on the other, for example, Poles robbed by prime ministers ...

Protestantism is Christian Khazarian Zionism.

With the establishment of the United Nations, the foundation of the Khazarian world government, and Poland's defeat of Bolshevik Russia, Khazarian Protestantism was born.

Wikipedia itself states that Christian Zionism became stronger after the creation of Israel (false).



The introduction of PLANdemi around the world would not be ...

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