Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


Time magazine ambiguously warns humanity "Last Call" at cop26 climate summit.

Humanity should learn to read, but not its own language, but the language of its enemy, which is the world Khazaria with many branches like a hydra with many heads.

Some are only now seeing how their state is working against them and it is only a fragile ...

Rząd australijski zaczyna przejmować domy, napadać na konta bankowe i anulować licencje mieszkańców z niezapłaconymi grzywnami

Kiedy czytacie takie nagłówki jak ten, w którym jest wymienione słowo “rząd”, to musicie wiedzieć, że jest to rząd nie Wasz, nie australijski, nie Polski, ale NWO.

Od 1945 roku są bezprawne rządy i w każdym kraju jest okupacja.

Każdy …

Scientists' evidence of genocide by juggernauts. The Last Straight - War Against Humanity

In the video below, the doctors themselves speak out.

There is mention of the spike protein, graphene and their impact on the lives of stabbed people.

I think it's important to spread this video wherever you can.



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"Who owns the world? The Monopoly of a Few Companies." A film that will awaken many.



The film is being hailed as the first movie to awaken humanity since the film The Zeitgeist. O ile ten pierwszy mieszał prawdę z kłamstwem o tyle film “Monopol. Kto rządzi światem” przedstawia same fakty.…

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