Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


A firefighter in the U.S. got a stabbing order, but wiped his ass with it. He faces consequences.

If I remember correctly, in the movie Braveheart, Wallec's warriors showed their asses to the enemy on the battlefield.



On Nov. 18, a Los Angeles firefighter pulled down his pants at a fire station and wiped his butt with a vaccination order.


A spokesman for the fire department in ...

Prezydent Siemianowic jako samotny jeździec w Dzikim Zachodzie kłamstw plan demicznych.


Bodajże jeden na setki włodarzy miast ostrzega ludzi. Jeden Jonasz polityki.



Prezydent Siemianowic Śląskich jest jednym z najzagorzalszych przeciwników rządowych obostrzeń, obowiązku noszenia maseczki czy wreszcie szczepień. – Zobaczcie co się dzieje – mówi Rafał Piech, prezydent


Europe's secret police may have been behind the riots in the Netherlands.

They have everything under control.


There was a lot of destruction in Rotterdam yesterday and I didn't know the backstory of the situation yet. Now new facts are coming to light.


I don't know if you remember how during the patriotic marches in Poland especially on November 11 hired to ...

Gates has been exposed as a media sponsor around the world. He donated $319 million.

The struggle continues.

Masses of people are fighting for the truth to come out and one of them is investigative journalist Alan Macleod, who has released financial data:


Billionaire Bill Gates potajemnie przeznaczył 319 milionów dolarów na wybrane media głównego nurtu na

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