Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Persecution of Christians

A law is being created in the U.S. against religious and political extremists. Specifically against white supremacy.

In fact, this was to be expected. In a system of medical, environmental, and sodomite terror, you can't count on loosening the ropes, but rather on bludgeoning and shackling.

That's the bill they're rushing through in the US.

The act is called the "Act o ...

The U.S. DHS is warning that the threat of attacks on churches may be increasing....

Department of Homeland Security warned the believing community, that Threat of attacks on houses of worship may increase after services resume due to 'stressors' caused by coronavirus pandemic .


"As you begin your efforts to restore worship services and welcome congregants back into your houses of worship, ...

China is setting the stage for the antichrist. Communist Xi Jinping is tearing down churches and mosques ordering them to worship him as God.

What the communist leader of China is doing, in my opinion, is a test for the future rule of the antichrist.

Xi Jinping demolishes churches, Buddhist temples turns them into temples in his (Xi Jinping's) honor. His picture adorns the walls of the temples.



His recorded voice beats ...

Trump as antichrist will lead the church? The politics of the Anointed One. Antiochus type. 666 and the beast.


A very important picture of President Trump, who is very likely the future last antichrist.
I have gathered a mass of information that points to a powerful role for Trump in the end times.




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