Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Persecution of Christians

In contrast to the sticker with a fish, a symbol of Christianity, there is a sticker with a shark eating a fish.

I repeat: it is not the new age that is persecuted but Christianity, and everyone should consider why.

Khazars are unleashing themselves by infecting hatred of Christianity.

Fish symbol notabene disputable Christians are depicted on stickers, which are on sale at allegro with a shark that ...

A Christian grandmother faces a $1 million fine for refusing to make flower arrangements for a "Gay Wedding."

Swietokrzyskie PIS politicians were scared of the EU and withdrew their anti-LGBT resolutions, but a Christian grandmother refused to make a flower arrangement for gays.

Doing so would violate her religious beliefs. So Barronelle suggested three other florists she knew would do the same. ...

Jesuit-communist China pays citizens to spy on neighbors and report 'illegal' Christian activities

Cash for being a snitch. Where do we know it from? Well, from Poland, the country which allegedly overthrew communism but not the communists. After the round table the collaborators of the Khazar secret police became the stars of media. Main roles in films, prominent positions in medicine, political authorities.


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