Category: Occultism
Nowe chrupki z pentargamem.
Anna Lewandowska pokazała swoją wiarę.
Satanistyczna reklama BLACK.
To, że nie kryją się z niczym już to wiemy.
Ale będzie w tym progres i jest na co wskazuje najnowsza reklama energetyka BLACK:
Szatan nagrodzi tych, którzy go spożywają…
Zawartość tego pseudo produktu na pewno nie jest …
A new UN building in Africa with the shape of 666.
It will not appeal to the public even if they were shown videos of satanic rituals of the elite on TVN.
What you see in the photo is the occult UN building in Senegal.
The elites are already making no secret of anything and will be even more ...
500 hryvnias: eye of Horus and triangle.
I was familiar with this bill, but apparently long ago gave up on analyzing it or paying any attention to it.
In the context of this mega tour that is the martyrdom of Ukraine to resettle them to us and cause a great reset, it is worth keeping this in mind.
Especially since ...
Evidence in I Pet Goat that Khazarian satanists planned the murder of Ukranians.
Youth sent to the front.
They had previously been infused with lofty ideas of patriotism:
Boy dying in yellow fluid (flag) and on it sickle and hammer;
Despair remained:
In the process, of course, the antichrist flowed....
According to astrologers, there could be a war tomorrow 22.02.2022.
The Bible forbids the study of astrology, but occultists choose dates for wars and false flags. So there is a great risk of war tomorrow from this side as well 22.02.2022
Astrologers seem to be helping this war in Ukraine, or rather Ukraine/Russia/NATO and have published ...
The reader found the date of the outbreak of war in I Pet Goat?
If this turns out to be true, it will mean that we have irrefutable proof of Masonic/Chazarian theater.
Well, a reader of my blog in the passage where the tanks are driving against the background of the ("destroyed"?) ying yang symbol noticed that when you turn it the right way, ...
Amazon advertises Alexa as mind-reading.
A telling scene from this commercial after which we could say that we already know everything about this commercial, but still let's analyze the spot.
At about 0:28 Scarlett learns that she needs mouthwash. At 0;49 she shows the sign of the all-seeing eye.
Husband ...