Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Occultism


Has a clock been erected in Warsaw measuring the time to the end of the Great Tribulation?



In the center of Warsaw a huge clock was set up in October. It counts down the time until the climate catastrophe. One month ago it was 7 years and 275 days.


If we assume that the countdown occurred in October, the start of the 7-year period would be around July  ...

Tesco's Christmas advert promises 'nothing will stop' the festivities - as Santa receives Covid pass

"The ad, featuring the rock anthem "Don't Stop Me Now" by British band Queen, depicts people overcoming various holiday struggles, including bribing the elves in Santa's grotto with ground cookie dough, outwitting a power outage by setting fire to a line of Christmas puddings, and Santa Claus avoiding quarantine, ...

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