Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Totalitaryzm

NWO new world order, totalitaryzm

Szczepanki na c19 nieskuteczne. Media podają, że wariant Delta może stanowić zagrożenie dla osób zaszczepionych.

“Wykryty w Indiach wariant Delta koronawirusa może stanowić zagrożenie dla osób zaszczepionych”


To nie mój nagłówek, a portalu obcojęzycznych mediów businessinsider.


Co my na to?


Czy powinniśmy się śmiać, czy raczej zasmucać?

Śmiać się chce z kłamstw, …

"Controlling emotions with magnetic waves." They show it explicitly, but you have to be able to read.

I get the impression that Freemasonry (rightly so) is increasingly fond of revealing its goals, intentions, activities.

I also take it that this is what they have always done, it's just that we haven't been able to read them accurately.


In an article sent to me several times on system ...

Prophecy is being fulfilled. Rabbi "Israel will replace America as the world's next 'superpower,' and Jews must 'embrace their destiny.

” (11) Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth: it had two horns like the horns of the Lamb, and it spoke like the Dragon. (12) She exercises all the power of the first Beast before her and causes the earth and all its inhabitants to worship the first ...

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