Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Totalitaryzm

NWO new world order, totalitaryzm

“Chrześcijańska” posłanka z Niemiec Ursula von der Leyen chce przymusu szczepień.

Jak czytamy w “FT”, brukselscy urzędnicy zamierzają zrobić coś, by zwiększyć liczbę zaszczepionych Europejczyków i niejako “przymusić” do takiego ruchu tych, którzy do tej pory się przed nim wzbraniali.

The head of the European Commission assures that is a good time to start ...

System informatyczny Ministerstwa Finansów “Bestia”.

I was sent a link to a government website that informs about an IT program for local governments.



From the description we learn that:


System BeSTi@ to specjalistyczny program przeznaczony do zarządzania budżetami jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Został stworzony w ramach umowy twinningowej …

David Bowie, the Omikron virus, and the game Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

You guys have been sending me screenshots of the action description of the game "Omikron: The Nomad Soul", so I'm going to write something about it.


First of all, the music, the soundtrack to this game was created by David Bowie himself. Of course of the rightful Masonic faith.


Second, the cover of this game ...

Niedzielski announces a game-changer. Omicron will close state borders.

The situation on the Polish border with Belarus appears to have been a prelude to a military action codenamed OMIKRON.


"There has to be a decision made about sealing the borders; we will want to quarantine people from countries where cases of Omicron variant infection have been confirmed," he conveyed


A syringe-shaped nativity scene was erected in Taiwan's capital city. Luciferianism is gaining strength.

An incredible profanity and blasphemy occurred in Taiwan's capital city of Taj Pej.



Above the syringe is a cross. Indeed it is an ordeal caused by Satan's men.


Deputy Director of the Polish Office in Taipei, Taiwan Bartosz Ryś presents in a tweet a nativity ...

The Died Suddenly-21 Wholesale.

So far I have been posting individual cases of NAGLE-21. However, there is so much of it that I will have to post in bulk.

Sad, but we're flying:


Grażyna Socha,nie-zyje-grazyna-socha-radna-powiatu-jaroslawskiego

Riuler de Oliveira Faustino


Do you know why they are now scaring up new variants?

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