Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Totalitaryzm

NWO new world order, totalitaryzm

Filmowa kompilacja mojej dotychczasowej wiedzy nt znanego eksperymentu medycznego.

To, co umieszczałem jako pojedyncze informacje w poniższym filmie jest przedstawione jako melanż dotychczas zebranej wiedzy.

Jest w nim mowa o: magnetyzmie, siatkach grafenu, związku z 5G i człowieku 2.0 czyli transhumanizmie.


Poniżej przykładowa siatka grafenu:



World War 3 closer. Iran launches 16 ballistic missiles capable of attacking Israel.

I am not writing this article for views. Anyway, the topic stopped being popular a long time ago when nothing happened after some spectacular actions in the world.

These include the killing just before the plandium of Iranian General Suleimani, the April exercise ...

Electronics -chip- in the body will confirm if you are vaccinated. The ridiculed theories are no longer conspiracy theories.




Even the systems portals are noting that the connection between the electronic chip in the body and vaccines is no longer in the department as the Khazarian media calls it for shurikens and foils.

But who would remember the derision that the vaccine would contain ...

10-year prison sentence for a crime against the fascist cult of Gaia.


As reports:

"The initiative was created to fulfill the commitments of the European Green Deal. Frans Timmermans, who is responsible for this program, stated that "the deliberate destruction of our environment threatens our survival as humanity. - Allowing violators to go unpunished ...

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