Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Totalitaryzm

NWO new world order, totalitaryzm

3,000 Serbs have filed lawsuits against NATO over bombing with uranium-enriched munitions.


I'll start by pointing out that just as my viral condition went away on Friday after your prayers, I've had a notorious bronchial cough since the weekend and have been slowing down a bit on the blog and beyond. Additionally, over the weekend a certain unpleasant situation weakened ...

An elementary school in the United States advertised an after-school Satanic club run by the Satanic Temple


The Washington Examiner reported , że dzieci ze szkoły podstawowej Jane Addams w Moline w stanie Illinois są zapraszane do uczęszczania do „poszkolnego klubu Szatana” w pięciu różnych terminach w trakcie wiosennego semestru, zgodnie z ulotką reklamującą klub, która …

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