More than three years after Pope Francis ignited a firestorm of religious debate by telling a young boy that his dead atheist father could still make it to heaven, a new Pew Research Center survey shows that most Catholics and Christians also believe that people, ...
Category: The lies of this world
The lies of this world
Grający w filmach porno G. Floyd jest na obrazie jako Jezus w katolickiej uczelni.
Kościół katolicki od samego powstania był pomostem między chrześcijaństwem a pogaństwem. Celem założenia tego kościoła było i to całkiem skutecznie odciągnąć ludzi od tego co święte i uświęcić grzech.
George Floyd, bohater fałszywej flagi mającej na celu przykryć …
Humanity is controlled by fear.
Dear Compatriot.
You are controlled by fear. Wake up.
Age a Survival rate of infected is:
Tomasz Lis's faith. Journalist with Israeli lobbyist Daniels.
There is a group of supposedly Bible-believing people on the Internet who believe that these people who live at the Dead Sea are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites.
They are waiting for the salvation of this country, but this is another idol. Catholics have Mary and they ...
Niedzielski announces a game-changer. Omicron will close state borders.
The situation on the Polish border with Belarus appears to have been a prelude to a military action codenamed OMIKRON.
..."There has to be a decision made about sealing the borders; we will want to quarantine people from countries where cases of Omicron variant infection have been confirmed," he conveyed
"I took the vaccine and I'm recovering from congestion and lung lesions, but I'm going to keep getting vaccinated until I do," she said.
Perhaps this is a satire of the stabby mentality, but even if so, it reflects the state of many stabbies. I am sorry that people are being lied to. I do my best to make sure they are not, but many are simply resistant to the truth. No ...
First lawsuit for post-prandial complications.
People waited a very long time anyway. I'm really strongly surprised.
Krakowska kancelaria zamierza pozwać Skarb Państwa za powikłania po szczepieniu przeciwko COVID-19 – wynika z informacji Radia Zet. Według stacji to pierwszy taki pozew w Polsce. Pokrzywdzoną …
The Died Suddenly-21 Wholesale.
So far I have been posting individual cases of NAGLE-21. However, there is so much of it that I will have to post in bulk.
Sad, but we're flying:
Grażyna Socha,nie-zyje-grazyna-socha-radna-powiatu-jaroslawskiego
Riuler de Oliveira Faustino
Do you know why they are now scaring up new variants?
Aby zatuszować …
The government buys candy that treats teeth.
The king is naked....
An excellent hilarious lampoon of medical organizations collaborating with politicians:
A journalist for the Israeli television station TV 13 fell on camera. More and more people are falling in front of the cameras.
I do not know if you remember a female politician from Denmark who fell in front of the cameras? There are also football players falling down during matches and now a journalist, and it's Israeli television.
...Another one "flipped" on live TV and naturally momentarily disappeared from the